Energy News Beat
Energy News Beat Podcast
Weekly Talking Politics with Larry Schweikart

Weekly Talking Politics with Larry Schweikart

In this episode of the Energy Question podcast, David Blackmon is joined by Larry Schweikart and Stuart Turley for a comprehensive analysis of current political and legal issues. Schweikart introduces his recent works and discusses his history and politics websites. The trio delves into shifting polling data, voter registration trends, and upcoming debate performances, with a particular focus on Kamala Harris's debate strategy and Trump's new endorsements. The episode also features a sponsor segment for "A Brain" and a review of the new Reagan film.

The discussion expands to include the need for stronger defense-oriented legal strategies, potential political maneuvers such as Biden resigning to pardon Hunter Biden, and critiques of Democratic election strategies. Larry Schweikart and Stuart Turley address concerns about grid security, Trump's legal challenges, and the impact of social media censorship. The panel also touches on the intersection of sports and politics, predicts the dynamics of upcoming debates, and wraps up with closing remarks inviting political figures to future discussions.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:01 - Introduction

03:34 - Poll Analysis

09:51 - Debate Insights

16:30 - Trump’s Debate Strategy

17:31 - Sponsor Segment

19:04 - Reagan Movie Review

23:10 - DOJ and Election Interference

24:59 - Judicial System Reforms

29:35 - Corruption Concerns

32:37 - Trump’s Legal Threats

36:13 - Social Media Censorship

40:18 - Legal Team Concerns

42:39 - Save Act

43:20 - Biden’s Potential Resignation

44:52 - Voting Statistics

49:15 - Manhattan Case Outcomes

55:42- Debate Predictions

David Blackmon [00:00:01] Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Energy Question podcast with David Blackmon. I'm David Blackmon, your host, and with us today we're talking politics with Larry Schweikart and Stuart Turley. Larry, how are you doing today.

Larry Schweikart [00:00:13] Oh I'm good. How are you doing David?

David Blackmon [00:00:15] Just great for folks who are first time viewers. Larry is America's history teacher. He's, runs the wild world of politics and World War two history website. So he's written a series of wonderful books. Here's a here's several of them on this graphic that you can see. The most recent one is Patriot's History of the Modern World, volume two. Is that right?

Larry Schweikart [00:00:35] It's all about global globalism.

David Blackmon [00:00:38] That's right. I thought that was wrong. Yeah, globalism Its Rise and decline is the most current book. These books are wonderful. Everyone should go out and buy them. You can find them at Amazon. And and also, Larry, don't you have a, dedicated website.

Larry Schweikart [00:00:53] For the wild, wild world of history?

David Blackmon [00:00:55] Okay.

Larry Schweikart [00:00:56] And wild world of politics, either one. Histories for educators and homeschoolers. Politics is for those who just like my, political babbling. And, you can get any of the books and package offers autographed and shipped to you, so check them out.

David Blackmon [00:01:14] Yeah, folks, these are great books that everybody should read. And, of course. Stu. He'll see his own Substack. The sandstone Group energy news beat. What else do you want to plug?

Stuart Turley [00:01:29] Just everything, the energy news beat at dot or energy where you find, millions and millions of, listeners.

David Blackmon [00:01:42] And of course, you can find me on Substack, too. Everything I write and talk about is posted either at Blackmon Dot Substack, which is my energy Substack and David Blackmon dot Substack, which, is where I write about politics. And here we go. We're going to talk about politics. This is the week of the I guess it could be the only debate. I mean, supposedly there's going to be a second one on air, on CNN later in the month. But, tonight or tomorrow night's debate is on ABC. You know, moderated by a couple of, Democratic operatives who work for ABC news. David, Donald Trump, agreed to this debate. Actually, he was the first to degree, agree to three debates. Harris is only, I think, formally accepted this one. And, it's going to be really interesting. I think it's going to be a seminal moment in the campaign, regardless of how it goes. I think the the campaign, as far as I can tell, the race is essentially even maybe Trump has a slight advantage, I think, in the Electoral College right now, according to the polls and, and betting markets and just common sense. And so Harris, with a strong performance tomorrow night, actually might be able to close that gap again. Larry, what do you make of the fact we have this New York Times Siena poll published yesterday that basically is exactly the same result as that poll showed six weeks ago, right before Joe Biden was forced out of the race. Literally nothing has changed in six weeks, despite this massive propaganda campaign that Harris has benefited from since then. What do you make of that?

Larry Schweikart [00:03:34] Well, first I have to say, how about them cowboys?

David Blackmon [00:03:38] How about them cowboys?

Larry Schweikart [00:03:40] What a great game. Yes, but, yeah. Good start. So, and of course, I'm spent 30 years in Ohio, and I have somewhat of an attachment to the brownies, although I was more of a Bengals fan back then. Okay, so the New York Times poll, even and I don't buy it that they are, about even in the race. And it's about time I think Trump under polls every single time. All the time 2016 2020 he under polls. So if you have a national poll showing him up one, he's probably up 2 or 3. Second, a popular vote tie electorally in terms of the electoral College works out to a significant Trump win and a 2 to 3 point Trump national popular vote win would equal about a 340 to 360 electoral vote. Crushing. All right, so it's always good to keep those two factors in mind. Now, the New York Times poll had two internals that were really, really important. And one was how well President Trump is doing with whites much better than he did in 2020. There's a big net gain there. And second of all is how bad Harris is doing with blacks. Yeah. There's there's a three to 4 or 5 point drop off with blacks from 2020. And you're again going back to 2020, even if you believe it was a legit election, which I don't. But if you do, the whole margin of the difference is 44,000 votes. I think just in those two tiny internals right there, Trump already has this election. Now we've been tracking his, you know, registration statistics across a number of states. And in Arizona, Maricopa County, which is the whole state, it basically determines the state. It's got about 5 million of the state, 6.5 million population. They have been registering and reporting by daily reports. And up until Sunday, Republicans were adding 200 per day to their margin. In Maricopa County, which is now 162,400 over Democrats. Now, for perspective, in 2020, that total statewide margin was 130,000 Republicans. So Maricopa County already has exceeded the entire state wide margin of 2020 and is adding up until yesterday when they added 50. They're adding 200 a day yesterday, of course, Sunday. So, at that rate, they will probably. Be around 170,000 net over Democrats just in Maricopa County. The rest of the state is turning red even faster. A couple of counties are flipping and Pima County, which is Democrat, is already started to lose Democrat voters. But we see this everywhere we look North Carolina, Florida, Florida. May will hit 900,000 Republican advantage here when it releases its statistics. Pennsylvania. Scott Pressler is up there doing an incredible job.

Stuart Turley [00:06:53] Just I mean, great. I love the.

Larry Schweikart [00:06:56] People. He's registering people in gas lines. He's going out there to gas station and they drive, and he just registers them to vote. And the Democrats are really complaining about it in Pennsylvania. So that's where I think they're right. So with all that and there's three other things. Two other things to mention. One is the, requests for early ballots. And these are really trending bad for Democrats in Pennsylvania. Last week, they were down 131,000 from 2020. Remember, this is where the steal took place at.

David Blackmon [00:07:30] His.

Larry Schweikart [00:07:31] Place with the mules. And they would ask for all these ballots from nursing homes where people were either dead or didn't exist, and they would take months of Covid to fill them out and send them in. Well, they don't have that now. So in Pennsylvania, the early ballot requests are down 131,000 for Democrats. And remember, many Democrats are going to be voting for Trump. And in, North Carolina, we saw that the early, ballot requests were down among blacks by three points, were down among Democrats by 11 points. Republicans were the same as always. And remember that Republicans have, dramatically slashed the Democrat lead in North Carolina down to I think it's around 140,000, net advantage. Trump won the state twice with a 300,000 Democrat voter advantage. So everywhere you look here, these are very, very troubling statistics for Democrats. Therefore the debate I think that Harris has to it he had an absolute grand slam home run to even stay in the race. I think anything short of a so-so debate performance with her already trailing in all these metrics, I think you're going to see Democrats start yanking funds from her campaign and putting them in the Senate because they're about to lose the Senate, too. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:08:56] Well, and and in the House races, too. You know, I think there's still a chance they could could regain a majority in the House if the Republicans don't perform well. Yeah. And and that's a real potential problem. Yeah. The other you talk about the internals, in that New York Times poll, I think the other one that's really telling is the, the, the, the internal talks about, you know, they measured whether or not people want a strong change from the Biden years. Right? This is a change election. Elections are either status quo elections or change elections where presidential politics are concerned. This is clearly a change election. And Harris has been trying to portray herself as a change agent in the race. But, you know, she's been his vice president three and a half years. That's a pretty tough thing. I mean, and and the poll by a 2 to 1 margin.

Larry Schweikart [00:09:51] Yes.

David Blackmon [00:09:51] Respondent said, well, Trump is the real change agent here. And that's in a New York Times poll. So I think that that's very telling. And and it makes it really difficult, like you said, without Harris hitting a home run in this debate. It's really hard to see how she's going to fail in any legitimate.

Stuart Turley [00:10:12] Larry. Larry and David, I want to ask this real question. There's a video that we have of Vivek going through her policies, and I. If we can play that here just for a second, I want to follow that up with a question here, because this is a real question. Good. Will she actually perform tomorrow? And if David, with your permission, I'd like to show this one via video. Here we go.

Video Speaker 1 [00:10:37] Discussion. She said she didn't favor a ban on fracking. Now, the reality is she was one of the strongest proponents of that ban. So much so that when she was in California, she sued the Obama administration over granting fracking permits. She didn't just favor the abolition of private health insurance. She was a co-sponsor of the bill with Bernie Sanders as a US senator for Medicare for all, for Americans. The reality is, when you think about the Green New Deal, she was the chief proponent, not just as a co-sponsor of the legislation, but going further and saying she would end the filibuster in the Senate to ram that through. So the reality is she can say what she wants to say. Now, those are actions she has taken. Is someone allowed to evolve? Of course they are. But she deserves to explain exactly why she's changed those positions. Exactly what her position is. If it's not a ban on fracking, what exactly is it? What exactly is her health care plan if she no longer favors abolishing private health insurance, which just for short years ago when she ran for president, she did. And that's the kind of scrutiny that's been missing. I think Donald Trump has received plenty of scrutiny, and I give credit to him for sitting for hostile interviews that Kamala Harris has not.

David Blackmon [00:11:45] I loved how uncomfortable the CNN host.

Stuart Turley [00:11:48] Wasn't that great. So is it even possible for her to talk in an articulate manner?

Larry Schweikart [00:11:55] No, no, I mean her her personality is such that she deflects with laughter or cackling, as I call. That's why my nickname for her is cackles. And, she, cannot look you in the eye. You watch when she answers. She's like Stevie Wonder, you know, like all all that. So, no, she cannot. And I've seen a lot of, illusions. I don't have the the person's name, but I've seen a lot of illusions from Democrats in Pennsylvania that basically say Pennsylvania's gone, that that they can't win Pennsylvania. There was a story out last week that they were trying to reshape some sort of electoral college map that would involve Arizona, Nevada, Georgia. It's not going to happen. She's going to lose all three of those states. So especially now that the Culinary Union has come out in favor of Trump because of the no tax on tips.

David Blackmon [00:12:50] Yeah, that's that's such a huge thing. And, and that is such an influential union in Nevada. It's really hard to see how she can win Nevada. With, with that endorsement going to Trump really is good. That union is endorsed. I believe every Democratic candidate in recent times. Right.

Larry Schweikart [00:13:09] As do most.

David Blackmon [00:13:11] Yeah. Yeah.

Larry Schweikart [00:13:11] And and today the Fox the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Trump.

David Blackmon [00:13:16] Oh see I hadn't heard that. That's that's big too. Yeah, I don't know. I look at this debate I do think she'll probably perform better than, than many expect because I just looking back at her debate with pence in 2020, she did manage to get through that without making, you know, without going into the word salads and having any huge blunders. The difference, of course, is that in that debate, she was sitting down. First of all, she was able to have notes the mikes were on continuously, so she was able to pull out her, talking, you know, response whenever pence tried to interrupt with the mikes turned off no notes. I do think there's a higher chance for her to make a pretty significant blunder, but I'm not sure we should necessarily expect that. I want to watch all I can. She really get through 90 minutes without making a real serious gaffe.

Larry Schweikart [00:14:11] Maybe. But, you know, the only really this is this is all about Trump. Does Trump get through once again, as he did with Biden, and show that he's in command of the facts, that he exposes her without appearing to be a bully? That that he right can can make his point and he can do the most damage just with those looks like.

David Blackmon [00:14:36] Yes. Yeah. Which he was really good at, in the debate with Biden.

Larry Schweikart [00:14:41] That's all he needs to do.

David Blackmon [00:14:42] Yeah. Yeah. I, you know, and I do believe, of course. And I think it's just kind of unarguable that the winner in every presidential debate, really, since the Kennedy Nixon debate, has been based strictly on perception, not on debating points. Right. And people I know the liberals in the media have been talking about, well, you know, Kamala's a she's a prosecutor. She's going to, basically turn this into a prosecution of Donald Trump and make all these points about his convictions and yada, yada, yada. I don't think any of that matters, frankly, if that's what she if she does try to go that route, I think she's a clear loser. It's all about perception. And if she's perceived to be a lecturing female with a nasal, high pitched, lecturing voice, she it's going to be a disaster for her if she goes that route. I really believe that.

Larry Schweikart [00:15:36] Yeah, a harpy head would. Yeah. If she becomes a harpy hag, let. It's over now. I've sent it to Donald Trump Junior. I've sent Donald Trump Junior a recommendation that when they pull out the convicted felon line, Trump should not challenge that in the least. Don't get into the weeds. There's no need to do that. Just say yeah. And this convicted felon is going to close the borders. We're going to institute a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine. We're going to stop the Haitians from eating your cat. Go get those idiot cat ladies and tell them how the, Harris and rutabaga. I'm sorry. Biden have, have been, allowing policy so the Haitians can eat their cats. This is the kind of thing that really grabs people and can turn a whole election. You mean they're going to. They're eating our cats.

David Blackmon [00:16:30] They can't have mine.

Stuart Turley [00:16:32] Wow. You know, I think when there's time, David, for a word from our sponsor.

David Blackmon [00:16:37] Okay.

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Stuart Turley [00:17:42] I love that comedian.

David Blackmon [00:17:44] Thank you to everyone at A brain for sponsoring our podcast. I really appreciate it.

Larry Schweikart [00:17:49] Well, you know, yesterday, the guy who played, Dax in Guardians of the Galaxy, this this actor, Battista, tweeted out that, you have to be a brain dead moron to vote for Trump. And I tweeted back to him, well, this this brain dead moron has written 30 books, has a PhD. He was invited to a special session in Europe with six Nobel Prize winning economist and won a prize for an economics dissertation. When I'm a history professor. You.

Stuart Turley [00:18:26] You forgot he was on Guardians of the Galaxy. He's been great. I've noticed he's now wearing a dress and doing some weird things, man. I mean, that man, he's whatever he's on, whatever card he's eating. I don't want to be part of it.

Larry Schweikart [00:18:41] And I love sick. He needs a brain. Yeah, yeah. Send him a gift subscription.

David Blackmon [00:18:47] Yeah. I've never thought that that did Democrats any good to have, these celebrities come out and do and stuff like that. Robert De Niro, is really the most rancid among the current crop. You know, has he done Joe Biden any good? No, none of that does the Democrats any good at all.

Larry Schweikart [00:19:04] And by the way, I saw the new, Reagan movie yesterday, and I highly recommend that. It's excellent. The only knock I would have against is, like every single Hollywood movie these days, it's about 30 minutes too long. Yeah, there are plenty of places they could have cut. Dennis Quaid does a great job. And, the guy who played Gorbachev, whom I've never seen before, was terrific. He looked just like Gorby. He acted like Gorby. And so it was, and you see a lot of old line conservatives. Who don't get a lot of work because they're conservative, like Kevin Sorbo, for example, or Robert Davi. Remember Robert Davi playing one of the two Johnson brothers in. Yeah. All right.

David Blackmon [00:19:49] Guys.

Larry Schweikart [00:19:49] Yeah. Agent Johnson, he's Agent Johnson, that kind of thing. And and so, there's, a lot of really good acting in that. And the last 30 minutes, I got to tell you, you're just going to be balling the whole last 30 minutes.

David Blackmon [00:20:03] Yeah, I read a review of that movie last week in variety, and they talked about, had it stagnated at the box office, that was their headline. That movie placed third overall. Yeah. And it was only in, about a third the number of theaters that the biggest releases were, and it was third overall in box office for the weekend. It's done great. It's a little low budget independent movie, but, because of the subject matter, so many people want to go see it and be reminded of what it's like to have a president who truly loves America and whose motivation was truly to do what was best for America. We've had one president since you could say that about, and that's Donald Trump. And, that's the reason why, you know, this moron is going to vote for Trump. I mean, it's really not even a question, frankly.

Larry Schweikart [00:20:54] Well, of course, we had the the phenomenal, very important endorsement of, of, Harris by, that, that, that great, brilliant mind,

David Blackmon [00:21:07] Jamie.

Larry Schweikart [00:21:08] Dick Strangelove Cheney and and I'm these you think of who the Democrats are now allied with is Mitt Romney and Dick Cheney. And this is who you want on your side, guys. Go for it, please.

David Blackmon [00:21:22] Yeah. My my tweet was so so we got the Trey Dick and Liz Cheney for Robert F Kennedy Jr and Tulsi Gabbard. That's awesome. I'll take every day of the week.

Larry Schweikart [00:21:33] And Alan Dershowitz I mean it will only get to two politicians to be named later. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:21:40] Okay. Robert f Kennedy Jr. My hat's off. And I want to give him a shout out, because I don't know that President Trump would do nearly as well with making America healthy again without RFK Jr. And I responded back with RFK Jr. And, the young lady that he did it and he actually goes, do you want you guys want to shake? And he actually did a great shake on there. That was that was actually a great video. And then, Robert, RFK, gener, impersonator liked my post. I thought I was somebody again. I thought he liked my post. So anyway, I love him because I think he can get things done that, President Trump could not let's.

Larry Schweikart [00:22:31] Well, Stewart, that's a great point, because what Kennedy does is he gives permission to all of those who didn't like the Trump Vacc policies. Right, to come on board and say, okay, that's in the past. Bobby's here. He's going to take care of that. You don't need to worry about Trump dealing with that. And I think, again, this is part of the under polling of Trump. They just are not getting these people. They aren't picking up the new voter registrations, are not picking up the ship from RFK Jr. And and so it's I think it's going to be a rude awakening for them on Election Day.

David Blackmon [00:23:10] Yeah. And going back to, how do you measure the state of the election? You know, Nate Silver has this, model that he uses that is based on all the polls and it's very volatile compared to some of the others, like at The economist or 538 accord. And it goes back and forth right now, it's like 64 to 30 8 or 36 in favor of Trump. I don't know how much, if any, credibility to put into that. I look at it and I think, well, you know, he's probably using a lot of judgment in constructing that, right, rather than just pure statistical modeling. But I do think, it's it's an indicator of exactly what you were talking about, Larry, because I think he probably has a factor in that model for the under polling of Trump that that we saw in 2016, 2020. And I think we're still seeing now. And it's a lot, you know, a lot of people planning a vote for Trump just don't want to admit it.

Larry Schweikart [00:24:11] Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Barrett has been, pretty consistent and saying he doesn't put a lot of weight into party registration because he says that's a lagging indicator. I think he's wrong on this. And I think, this year especially, it's a leading indicator. And these models like, listen, so let's take the 13 keys. Which is an utter joke if you look at the keys. They're totally subjective on how good the economy's doing. Well, if you're part of the 1%, the economy is awesome. But if you're part of the other 99, it ain't so great. And and so those kinds of things are just idiotic that allow him to contort, you know, if you torture the statistics enough, they will scream the answer you want, right?

David Blackmon [00:24:59] And his claim that he's picked every election since way in 19. I don't even know when it when he claimed 68. I think with that model is is utter and complete nonsense. It's absolutely false. And he shouldn't be allowed to just get on on TV and make that claim without people pushing back on him.

Larry Schweikart [00:25:18] And he shouldn't be allowed to have that rug on TV, right? I mean, that's that's an embarrassing.

David Blackmon [00:25:21] Yeah, that's one of the worst rugs I've ever seen. Listen to, before we go on, I want to mention we got a lot of people watching online. Listening online. If you have questions or comments, just, comment on those and we'll try to get them up here and any questions we'll try to address before we're done here. The other big event I think, that, happened last week was the Department of Justice. Decision to revive the whole Russia, Russia, Russia thing, and revive this pretense that that Russian interests are, somehow going to swing the election, by interfering in it. And in doing so, they didn't actually name these three podcasters. Tim, what's his name? There was a couple others.

Larry Schweikart [00:26:10] Tim Poole, Dave Rubin.

David Blackmon [00:26:12] Yeah. And Dave Rubin, and I don't remember the third one. You know, but they did, throw their names out there into the public domain and raise a lot of a lot of problems for those folks. What do you make of that? I mean, is there really any big concern? Do you think the Department of Justice is is an honest broker in reviving this particular hoax?

Larry Schweikart [00:26:35] The Department of Justice is is honor is is honorable as Barrie, as Department of Justice in the Soviet Union. You show me the man, I'll show you the crime. I mean, it's it's utterly absurd. It shows you their, how desperate they are that they know she's losing. I'm convinced they all know she's losing. They're pulling out all the stops. Now, what's interesting in the details about this indictment is that they did not indict Tennant Media or Tennant Media, which is the company supposedly doing all this stuff. Why? Because they don't want discovery. They don't want Tennant Media to do to them what that, Rusedski front firm, did back in 20. What was it, 2021 2022 and demand discovery. And then all of a sudden the DOJ had to drop all the charges, right? They indicted a few Russians that that even the CIA can't get. And then they, they they indicted this stupid company. And then when the company said, oh, yeah, we're going to fight this thing. Oh, never mind. And they dropped the charges. Yeah. Well, here their goal is to implicate pool, Rubin and and the other people and say essentially that they are Russian agents broadcasting pro-Russian messages, which, by the way, when was that unconstitutional that you were not allowed in the United States to broadcast a pro-Russian or a pro Chinese? Are we at war with Russia? Are they declared and national enemy? No, that's straight out of McCarthyism, right. Which the libs claim to hate. So, what pool and some of the others, at least pool did. I don't know if Rubin has pool accepted their interpretation that he's a victim. Well, because if he doesn't accept that, then. Then all of a sudden he's part of the collusion, right? Yeah. So he accepts their premise that there is a Russia hoax going on, which is stupid pool. It's never struck me as a particularly bright guy, but but this to see that he is not a target. He shouldn't say one thing. Oh, I'm going to cooperate. Dum dum dum. You don't say one word to these fascists. Because as we know from Mike Flynn, you go in as an honorable broker trying to give them information, and they will take the slightest thing you say to use against you and and then indict. Exactly. So he's proved to me to be dumber than I ever thought he was.

David Blackmon [00:28:58] Yeah. If he really did go and talk to them without legal representation, he's really not very bright at all. No, because that's exactly what they did to Mike Flynn. And, what they would do to anybody that there is a political enemy in their view. And I just don't think there's any way to argue that point anymore. It's really sad. And I think that's really one of the most dangerous things that's happened in, you know, in this century is the complete corruption of the the Department of Justice and the FBI, which reports up through the Department of Justice. And it's a very a big danger for the survival of the country, I think.

Larry Schweikart [00:29:35] So we've had some discussions. I gave a speech the other night to a Republican group that was kind of led and directed by a a very, very good local constitutional lawyer. He's he's toured with Glenn Beck doing Constitution classes and things like that. And to me, there are four issues. We need to have a, legal brains trust in this country. I don't know who would be involved. People like Dershowitz, Harmeet Dhillon, people like that. But you need to get together a group of very bright lawyers who can think outside the box, a term I absolutely hate because if everybody's thinking outside the box and the best place to be is inside the box. But anyway, we need to have a group of very bright lawyers who are starting to look at these four key issues in our judicial legal system that are absolutely killing us right now. Number one, immunity for judges, congressmen, elected officials, sheriffs, mayors, anybody like that. We got to get rid of that, because right now, if a judge throws you in jail for the wrong reason, if cops lie, whatever and you win, you sue them and you win. And from the city. All you're doing is hurting taxpayers. You're not making that person responsible for their own right, hatred, bad decisions or whatever. So we got to find a way to fix the personal immunity thing of elected officials and judges. Number two, we've got to fix standing. It is insane that I, as a citizen of the United States, do not have standing to sue when it comes to any federal election. I am personally harmed by the outcome of any federal election, which is going the wrong way. And I. And that includes senators. I, as an Arizona citizen, should be able to sue if the people of North Carolina screw up in electing an idiot senator, that's going to infringe upon my rights. Third latches, the whole latches things is hideous. This notion that before an election, you can't sue because the election hasn't happened yet. Yeah, but after an election there, you can't undo an election. So it's a catch 22. That needs to be fixed.

David Blackmon [00:31:48] Let me know that that was, the main excuse the Supreme Court used for not getting involved in the fraudulent election of 2020.

Stuart Turley [00:31:55] Larry, let me ask. And, David, let me ask this question because I saw the post off of, Trump's, Truth Social when he posted and said, he fired a warning shot and said, if you are an elected official and you behave in any illegal activities, I'm coming after you at the end of this. Yeah. And if he does not, actually follow through with this, and, I mean, I want every poll worker, anybody, dropping extra ballots of illegal citizens in jail for ten years. We won't do that. It won't survive.

Larry Schweikart [00:32:37] Exactly right. And and he has to go after. And it's interesting because he has the precedent now of the current department of injustice headed by Grand Moff Tarkin, never a Grand Moff Garland. You know, Grand Moff Garland, they're like, Grand Moff Tarkin is always in charge of the Death Star and, you know, Star Wars movies, right? The fourth one. And I was talking to a very high ranking former congressman about this a week ago. And it is that Congress somehow must have enforcement powers regarding, subpoenas that you cannot subpoena these guys from the National Institutes of Health or from the DOJ or whatever it is, and they they just ignore it, which is what he said they were doing, and they had no way of compelling those people to come before Congress and answer questions. So somehow those four legal, roadblocks have to be surmounted by our own brilliant lawyers. And look, if lawfare can find a way to subvert elections by going around various laws, certainly our people can find a way to subvert the obstacles to true democracy in America.

David Blackmon [00:33:47] Yeah. One of the one of the, problems, I guess, with the way the Constitution is structured, is that the founders who wrote all that back then, were operating on the assumption that the American voters would always be smart enough to elect people to to office who loved the country and were true patriotic Americans who cared about the country. And that part of of Congress, the legislative branch having no enforcement power, depends on having good faith actors running the Department of Justice, which does have enforcement power. Right? Well, now we have a bunch of people running justice who don't give a damn about the country, don't don't care about America, are not acting in good faith. And so Congress has the investigations. They find all this wrongdoing documented, you know, as scrupulously as possible. And DOJ just ignores it because they're not good faith actors.

Larry Schweikart [00:34:41] Well, I mean, that's absolutely right. That's exactly what the founders believe. Moreover, they believe that people elected to office, even over their personal views, would do the right thing and would act in the interest of the nation. And really, where the first time that started to change. Hate to say it was with Jefferson and the Jeffersonian and their their obsession with France and their hatred of Great Britain, really started to poison the system. In the late, 1790s and early 1800s. It began to wash out by the era of Good Feelings, when we actually had only one party. We actually had a time in American history where we had a party ready for this called the Democratic Republicans. And and that was upset by Martin Van Buren creating the modern Democrat Party. And then after that, you got, party friction the whole time.

David Blackmon [00:35:34] And the Whigs were in there somewhere.

Larry Schweikart [00:35:36] And the Whigs were basically rhinos of the 1830. Yes. It was, Democrat lite.

David Blackmon [00:35:45] Guy, there was another, thing I was going to bring up today, and now I've forgotten what the hell it was. That it?

Stuart Turley [00:35:53] Well.

David Blackmon [00:35:54] Here and it's. Do you got anything? Let me play a video so I can think. Here.

Stuart Turley [00:35:59] Let's go to Grant Cardone. This is important because if Grant Cardone can even bring this up, you and I are censored and shut down like you wouldn't believe, and I have. Fortunately, I found a way around the Google censorship. Otherwise I'd.

Larry Schweikart [00:36:13] Be like.

Stuart Turley [00:36:14] Oh yeah, destitute. Let's go ahead and take a look at this.

Video Speaker 4 [00:36:17] 24 I want you to watch this video. So we run a campaign and we're showing our viewers what they're going to get when they go to ten Studios. The ad that flagged as ineligible. So you cannot run this ad. It doesn't fit our campaign. So we went back and we we looked at and said, oh, it's a picture of Donald Trump in there. Let's take him out and replace that image with Miss Harris. And I'm being polite when I say naysayers. We then send it back to Google. We just simply replace the Trump thumbnail with a thumbnail of her in a new title, and they approved it. Election interference. Google. You guys are nasty people.

David Blackmon [00:36:55] Yeah, and isn't that the reality with all this, election interference nonsense that our big social media companies really do more of it than anybody else, and it's often at the behest of the federal government.

Larry Schweikart [00:37:07] Well, Zuckerberg figured that out. Yeah. And Zuckerberg is already backtracking. Now, what he should be forced to do is to come out with a certain $100 million worth of pro-Trump ads to show his fealty. You know, there was a time when a pope, made a king run around a castle in the snow in Italy to do penance. Right. That's what we need, a Zuckerberg. We need him running around Elon Musk headquarters in the hot sun for like, 30 days in a row, you know, and is in his Speedo. And then we'll say, all right, all right, you can come back into our good graces. But that shows you, Dave, it shows you that if you apply your brain to it and you look at how work, stop trying to fight these people, find a way around them. That's what Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s so brilliantly is he quickly understood that, the traditional media was his enemy. But the Big Five, Washington Post, New York Times, ABC, CBS, NBC and he decided he found a way to go straight to the American people with his speeches, which at that time they had to carry. Now, they wouldn't do that with Trump. They would argue it was a political speech and they did not have to carry it. So Trump and 16 went around that with Facebook before Zuckerberg knew what was going on. And he went around it with Twitter. So, there's ways you can get around all of these things, like latches, like standing, like immunity, like enforcement powers. But we need to have a dedicated lost there group on our side going after these people, you know, hammer and. Tongue, as they used to say.

David Blackmon [00:38:48] Well, that supposedly has been a focus group, focus area. Excuse me, at the Republican National Committee now with Mike Watley and Lara Trump running it and and and I actually know Mike Wadleigh. He's a great guy doing great work over there. And I think that, you know, they brought in an army of lawyers to try to police voter fraud in key states in this election. Do you feel like, I mean, what do you think? I mean, are we going to be able to police like the vote count in Philadelphia, places like Philadelphia, in Atlanta, where the big deal was conducted in 2020?

Larry Schweikart [00:39:25] Not unless the poll watchers have tasers. It's going to be very hard. Yeah, but it's irrelevant, because, hey, now, many of those people are going to be voting for Trump, not a majority, but more than ever before. And be, you know, James Carville used to call Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Alabama in the middle. Right. And and they're not going to get the votes from Alabama in the middle. And Scott Pressler is up there doing amazing work. This guy has flipped almost single handedly, is flipped Bucks County, and he's 300 votes from flipping Luzerne County to Republican. And this is astounding stuff. And they know they're they're in deep trouble. So I don't think they can.

Stuart Turley [00:40:09] Hey, Scott. Scott Pressler, if you're watching us, reach out to us. We want you on this episode next week.

Larry Schweikart [00:40:18] Yes, I have clubs here in Arizona desperate to get him out, to speak to him. And we had, Brendan Strock, the guy who did the walk away movement, out to speak at one of our clubs about four years ago. He's another, vote registering, machine. So they're going to try to steal it, but I don't think they have nearly the infrastructure. Now, a thing about Whatley and his group, and I'm glad to have them on our side, but I'm still concerned that there's way too many lawyers who are coming at it from the prosecutorial side or the pro government side. That is that the government, as Reagan would say, is always right. Right. And I would prefer it instead of Whatley. I really wish we had Robert Barnes up there who comes at it from a defense attorneys side. We need more Jerry Spence's, we need more Robert Kardashian, and we need more Johnny Cochran's out there. Yeah, give him the bling, I don't care. Give him the money, but get him on our side. And, you know, because they know how to run guerrilla campaigns, with the law.

David Blackmon [00:41:24] Yeah. And that's what Republicans have never been really good at doing. Right? I mean, just is it doesn't appear to be in their, their, their, key skill set as a.

Larry Schweikart [00:41:34] They can't help but it was born that way. Is that. And Richard used to say.

David Blackmon [00:41:38] Another thing that we saw at the end of last week, and this was the other thing I wanted to bring up, is, last Friday, we saw Speaker Johnson and Elise Stefanik on television talking about how they're going to insist that the Save act, the, the bill that, requires proof of American citizenship to vote in a federal election that was passed by the House, in late July, with five Democrats voting. Yes. They're going to insist on rolling that language into the continuing resolution that there's going to come up at the end of the month because the House has failed to to, do its duty to pass appropriations bills. And so we don't have a real budget. We're going to keep running the government on a continuing resolution. They're promising to put the safe act into hell. Along with my question for the panel is how many hours do you bet it will take for Mike Johnson to cave on that particular aspect of the continuing resolution, because it's an inevitable that he will cave in on it.

Larry Schweikart [00:42:39] Well, and it's a shame, because they now have the high ground in which the Democrats are forced to shut down the government, right where rutabaga is forced to shut. By the way, this whole notion that they're going to, force Biden out before the election, I think is a fantasy. He needs that position in order to pardon Hunter. Yes. Right. And and just anybody who knows anything about government and transitions in the presidency would know. You cannot heap that on an already mentally challenged cackles, in the last two months and say, all right, now run the government, too. I mean, I fuzes would blow.

David Blackmon [00:43:20] You know, I keep hearing Mark Gruber, predicting that Biden's going to resign sometime like November 15th or something and turn it all over to Kamala and, and.

Larry Schweikart [00:43:31] After the election.

David Blackmon [00:43:32] After the election, you could do it. Maybe.

Larry Schweikart [00:43:35] But, I mean, she wouldn't even get started before she herself was out, so. Yeah. Yeah, I don't see that. I did want to mention, though, that because there was a thing on Twitter from the Democrats. That Harris had registered something like, black female registrations were up 173%. Well, where are they registering? Certainly, if they're registering in, in, Arizona, they're registering as Republicans and, well, that's just a trick. Oh, yeah. So you want to register a whole bunch of black females and let them get two and two and a half months of GOP propaganda phone calls doorknocker Trump materials, because you're going to be ignoring them while you go on to other people. And then, miraculously, at the end of two and a half months, these, these, deeply thought out voters are going to suddenly vote for a Democrat. And that's that's insanity. When you look at the North Carolina early voting and absentee request statistics, whites now are outnumbering blacks 4 to 1 in those early North Carolina voting registration, requests. So this is a flat lie by some of these people. And I think it's pretty funny because it shows you how desperate they truly are. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:44:52] Are you surprised that the Democrats have not concocted some rationale for mandating mass mail in ballots again nationwide in this cycle? I'm I'm really kind of surprised that they haven't come up with anything to to justify mandating that.

Larry Schweikart [00:45:09] Well, it it works against their strategy of using the states to try to knock out Trump. Right. If not for the Electoral College. They would have lost to Trump in, in 2020. They had to flip the electoral college by, by virtue of a cheat in five states that all shut down their counting at the same time.

David Blackmon [00:45:31] Yeah. But I mean, the tool they used was Mail-In ballots.

Larry Schweikart [00:45:34] Yes, yes. And so to overcome the states, you're going to have to, go against the one barrier they still have that may allow them to win elections. For example, I've seen a study by the guys who wrote, the new populist majority. Troy Olsen and Gavin Wax. And they argued that this is the last chance for Democrats to really win a national election because, after 2030, it's going to be electorally nearly impossible for them to win when you get the census shifts to Arizona, to Texas, to Florida, to North Carolina, to all the Trump heavy states and out up, I think California can lose as many as 4 or 5 more electoral votes. New York's going to lose a couple more. So there are 16 to 20 more votes that are going to shift after 2030. Well, my friend Seth Caswell has run, statistical analysis where he said, basically the Census Bureau already cheated. The Trump heavy states by about 16 to 20 votes, meaning that we could theoretically be up by 25 or 40 more votes. So the Democrats are staring a giant chasm in the face, and I think they're clueless. I think they don't know what they're doing.

Stuart Turley [00:46:56] I, I think what you just described is a wolf in a corner, and they are going to do what is it, Michigan. Who's the the congressman that has the the do rag on his head.

Larry Schweikart [00:47:09] And Raskin.

Stuart Turley [00:47:10] Jamie Raskin what a horse's.

David Blackmon [00:47:13] Well he was undergoing chemotherapy when he.

Larry Schweikart [00:47:15] Jamie. Little

Stuart Turley [00:47:17] I really don't care. Because look at my hair. The fact the fact that he's up there saying that he is wanting to once, if Trump wins, he's going to make sure that Trump does not get into office by any means. I'm afraid of what these guys are doing. Based on the evidence of the Biden administration's, executive orders of putting dangerous grid equipment. And I want to say this very clearly that there is now huge equipment in the United States grid that can be remotely controlled and has been put in by the Biden administration.

David Blackmon [00:48:02] Manufactured in China. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:48:04] Thank you. And it was rolled out by President Trump and it's been put back in. So there are things that are in place that were not in place before that, that you have the Jamie's out there that are going to do some really weird things.

Larry Schweikart [00:48:23] They're always going to try. I mean, our side needs to understand the difference between try and do. They're always going to try. You're right.

Stuart Turley [00:48:30] You're sounding like Yoda.

Larry Schweikart [00:48:32] They're going to.

Stuart Turley [00:48:34] Try or not do. Yes. You are doing.

Larry Schweikart [00:48:37] Not so much. Right. So, yeah, they're going to, but they can't do anything without a majority, even with a majority. Remember that. Any decisions out of the house? I'm sorry. Out of Congress. In January, go by delegation, not by state vote. And Republicans have something like 27 to 23 delegations. Yeah. So that that's a nonstarter. I think that you're right there in a corner. But, remember, desperate animals do stupid things as well as desperate things. And the stupider they get, the better I think we are.

David Blackmon [00:49:15] So what last question I've got is, what do you think about the fact that the Manhattan case, the sentencing in the Manhattan case last week was moved from September 18th to November 26th, after the election. Do you think there's a potential the judge march on. If Trump does win on November 5th, would throw attempt to, overturn the election by sentencing Trump to a long prison term, which he could do with 34 guilty convictions in hand.

Larry Schweikart [00:49:49] Yeah, there are four options there. One is he could carry out the sentence, after the election and sentence him to jail. Now that I think would go through an expedited process within hours to the US Supreme Court, which would invalidate it, because, number one, Trump must receive, classified briefings. Now, I also texted the president's team and I said, you need to renew those CIA briefings as soon as possible because they are in a skiff. And therefore, if anything happens where they want to put you in jail, they're going to have to build a skiff in Rikers. They would have to have Secret Service agents and CIA agents in there all the time. I mean, it'd just be absurd. But that is one possible outcome. Number two. The second outcome is he could just drop the charges based on the fact that as soon as Trump comes in, he will be immune via presidential immunity to any actions whatsoever. Number three, he could sentence him to house arrest, which would be just as goofy and would probably be overturned, by the either the New York court or the Supes. And four he could sentence him to a dollar fine, which Trump would pay, and then then walk up. Now, who caused him to change his view? And I think there's a couple of options here. Number one, he could have gotten a call from the state Supreme court or appellate court saying, one old buddy, you're going to have to change this because you're not going to get any support up here so you can look like a good guy and do it yourself. Or you can let us do it, too. The second is he could have gotten a call from somebody related to the Supreme Court saying, one old buddy, you're going to have to change your position. You can do it yourself. You can let us do it. But the third one, which I'm thinking is may be the case, is he got a call from the DNC. Yes. It says Trump's going to win the election. You better not do this. We're already starting to to roll back and, you know, pull in our perimeter, in order to defend the Senate seats. Don't give him more ammunition he can use to, have a sweep of the Senate and the House as well. So you take your pick as to who told him?

David Blackmon [00:52:03] Yeah, that last one's my bet. You know, because Democrats, every decision they make is based on polling and focus group data. And, you have to I mean, obviously, they're going to have a wealth of data showing that putting trying to put Trump in prison on September 18th would be just death knell to their chances in not just the presidential race, but to the Senate and the House as well.

Larry Schweikart [00:52:28] Well, again, I think one of the most incredible scenes in all of human history would be if he does sentence him and Trump is somehow in jail or surrounded by Secret Service agents and CIA. And on January 20th, Roberts has to walk in, all somber with his robe on to Trump in an orange jumpsuit and administer the oath of office. And like I say, if you guys can get video rights to that, you're never going to work another day in your life.

Stuart Turley [00:52:54] But but what about the loss of his daughter, who is making money off of this with and being employed by the Democrats?

David Blackmon [00:53:06] Yeah, well, actually.

Larry Schweikart [00:53:07] Campaign Democrats violate the law school. What's your what's your question there?

David Blackmon [00:53:12] Yeah. So. Sorry. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:53:15] I mean, I got what I was doing for a moment, you know.

David Blackmon [00:53:18] Yeah. I mean, she's been getting paid by the Kamala Harris campaign.

Larry Schweikart [00:53:21] Sure.

David Blackmon [00:53:22] She's been making money from the Kamala Harris campaign throughout. And before that, the Biden campaign. I mean, we.

Larry Schweikart [00:53:28] Also haven't.

David Blackmon [00:53:29] Tried to hide this stuff anymore.

Larry Schweikart [00:53:31] We also have this interesting thing, affecting or infecting the NFL. Now, where at first, as long as, Brittany Mahomes was, was, best buds with, Taylor Swift, I thought for a while they literally were going to rename the Kansas City Chiefs the Kansas City Swifts. Yeah. But, you you had this, always showing the pictures of Britney Mahomes and Taylor Swift celebrating when the Chiefs did something. And now Mahomes is come out of a as a Trumper. And so you know that Patrick probably is as well. And you or you got Tom Brady I mean you are two of the greatest quarterbacks of the last 50 years together. They're going to have real problems here in sports world if they don't find a way to get the politics out of sports entirely.

David Blackmon [00:54:16] Yeah. The big scandal this morning was that, Britney Mahomes and Taylor Swift hugged each other. They were at the US open in a luxury box, and they saw each other and ran over and hugged each other. And so Taylor Swift is getting canceled now because she hugged Britney Mahomes.

Larry Schweikart [00:54:31] Oh, and did you hear that Ben Affleck and J.Lo are going to get a divorce? Never saw that one coming, Mel.

David Blackmon [00:54:38] Yeah, no one could predicted that.

Stuart Turley [00:54:40] No one. Let me check my bingo card here. And that's. Yeah, I did not have that one on there.

David Blackmon [00:54:46] Holy cow, Holy cow. Well, folks, you got a lot of people online. I'm sorry. Nobody wanted to ask questions. Bailey Midkiff did say, David Blevins. Stuart Turley, hard on the information spreading train this morning. Yeah, we we we do two podcasts every Monday morning. Thank you for chiming in, Bailey. So, folks, if you're watching, if you enjoy this podcast, when you look at it on, YouTube, like, and subscribe, it's free. Doesn't cost you anything. Give us, like, give us a subscription. It's really going to help with our metrics and, spreading this, the popularity of this thing even further. I want to thank everyone for chiming in. Thank you. Larry, as always, it's a pleasure. Your your wealth of information is kind of overwhelming. Frankly.

Larry Schweikart [00:55:42] It's my brain to explode from time to time. I just have to reset and go back to seventh grade.

David Blackmon [00:55:47] Yeah. So last thing. Predictions. What's the outcome of tomorrow night's, debate? Who's going to win the.

Larry Schweikart [00:55:54] I think it'll be called a so-so kind of tie. A media will say, Harris wins. It won't matter. A tie for her is a serious loss. And I think if anything short of a grand slam there, you're going to see the Democrats quietly start pulling money out of her campaign and putting it in the Senate races.

David Blackmon [00:56:16] Stu, what about you?

Stuart Turley [00:56:18] I'm looking for some sound bites from, President Trump of him sitting here like this, quiet and having her so that I can take those sound bites of just having her blather. I absolutely if he just keeps President Trump, I really I've got my staff. I'm working trying to get you on a podcast. I really want to talk to you. And I really pray that you just smile and do what you do best and in a run the country and then do what you did with, the Biden, debate and just go the one line that he said, I really don't think he knows what he said. We can get that out of this. It's.

David Blackmon [00:57:09] It's just one soundbite.

Larry Schweikart [00:57:10] So well remembered that the two Reagan debates, in 80 and 84, were essentially came down to just two soundbites. One was there you go again. And the other one was that he wasn't going to take advantage of his opponent's youth and inexperience in the political campaign. That's all anybody remembers out of those debates.

David Blackmon [00:57:30] That's all it takes. And Trump is is really, I think, the all time master at, at, landing on one of those in every debate he's ever done. And, I don't expect any different outcome tomorrow. I think we'll we'll see that he's created 1 or 2 big moments. And, because of the muted mikes, Harris isn't able to artificially create some big moment for herself. And that'll be, you know, I mean, that's how the debate will be decided. It's all about perception and not debating points. So.

Larry Schweikart [00:58:00] Right. And all the influencers last time were saying, oh, don't debate. Oh the conditions are all set against George Bad. And and I said, don't worry. You know, it's more important that Trump do debate and win with those conditions. You're going into the enemy's, stadium with the worst kind of weather using their deflated footballs, and you're still going to win.

David Blackmon [00:58:22] Do what the Texas Longhorns did to Michigan on Saturday. That's what we need to happen.

Stuart Turley [00:58:26] And I do want to leave this with, I've got, some the honestly, I'm working with the Trump team trying to get him on. So, but also Scott Pressler, if you're out there, if there are other Democrats or other folks, political folks. Senator Cruz, we want to work with your to Deigning if you want on here, we want to visit with you guys. So anyway.

David Blackmon [00:58:50] And with that, folks, we're done for this week. We will talk to you all again next Monday. Same time, same place. Tune in and we will do debrief about what really happened tomorrow night. And with that we're going to sign off. Thank you gentlemen.

Larry Schweikart [00:59:07] Thank you.

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