Energy News Beat
Energy News Beat Podcast
Weekly Talking Politics with Larry Schweikart

Weekly Talking Politics with Larry Schweikart

We are in the final stretch in this Presidential voting season, and we have David Blackmon hosting the Energy Question with his special guest, Larry Schweiart, bestselling author and political analyst. They are joined by fellow podcast host Stu Turley. Sit back and bring your questions to the panel.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:01 - Introduction and Overview

01:19 - Voter Registration and Mail-In Ballots

03:22 - Early Voting Trends

07:06 - Polling and Voter Sentiment

09:34 - Hispanic Voter Support for Trump

11:26 - Reliable Pollsters

12:27 - Kamala Harris’s Campaign Struggles

13:31 - Debate Expectations

17:19 - Moderators and Debate Bias

21:19 - Kamala Harris' Border Visit

22:29 - Operation Northstar

25:38 - Political Implications

31:25 - Trump's Response to Hurricane Lane

32:59 - Media Critique

37:40 - Republican Campaign Strategies

40:04 - Impromptu Campaign Stops

David Blackmon [00:00:01] Well, looky here. We're live. Hey, this is the energy question with David Blackmon. I'm your host, David Blackmon, with me today. We're talking politics with Larry Schweikart and Stu Turley. How y'all doing today, guys? 

Larry Schweikart [00:00:12] Right here. 

Stuart Turley [00:00:13] It's a beautiful day in a neighborhood, as I like to say. 

David Blackmon [00:00:18] Well, we're doing this every week. Just as a reminder, everybody, this is our weekly deal. We're doing through through at least the election. And we'll see. We'll reevaluate after that. Larry is America's history teacher. He's a brilliant, brilliant political analyst who I first got in touch with right before the 2016 elections. Larry, I believe it was the first time we connected. And we were both early adopters of the theory that Trump was going to win that election. And and and I think obviously, we were right on that. I thought he would win in 2020 as well. And I still think he probably did. But that's another subject for a different different episode. Today, we're going to talk about the state of the race and some other issues that I think are really important on that should be on everyone's radar. Larry. Start with a summary of voter registration and absentee. How the I'm sorry request for mail in ballots. You're going. 

Larry Schweikart [00:01:19] Well, first of all, Arizona, Maricopa County continues to just march ahead to 165,000 net over Democrats now. So there's there's just no way Arizona is going to go blue. And in the latest polling here, Kerry Lake has pulled within five points of Gallego. So that's a good sign. She can get it within four. I think Trump can pull her over in terms of voter requests. Right now, about 400,000 people have voted already. And 64% of those are Democrats, 19% are Republican. Now, before people freak out over those numbers, you need to understand that while indeed Florida and North Carolina and Pennsylvania are in that group of of what we hope are more Republican heavy voters, the other side has Colorado, Vermont, Connecticut, Minnesota, a lot of very heavily Democrat areas that are going to skew those numbers. So I'm guessing that the real numbers are somewhere in the neighborhood of where it counts. Then the numbers are probably in the neighborhood of 55 to about 32, 35, something like that, which would be up for Republicans. Yeah, the early voting in Virginia has slowed way down, but Republicans are still gaining slightly with every single new drop or every single new measurement. And it's way below what Democrats have done in the past and way above what Republicans have done in the past. So I continue to hold out hope that Virginia might, in fact, be in play, given the nature of these early ballots for. 

David Blackmon [00:03:19] People as the voting slowed down because of the hurricane. You think? 

Larry Schweikart [00:03:22] No, I was just I think that early voters, especially older voters as a whole, want to rush that ballot in and turn it around as soon as they get it. And this is kind of natural. You want to make sure you don't misplace your ballot or forget about it or whatnot. So I think you're going to see the flow of new ballots continue to slow. But it looks like the Republicans keep picking up a couple of points every time there's new numbers reported in Virginia. The big question now is North Carolina, because the hurricane I'm still not clear how a hurricane on the coast ended up destroying so much of the interior western part of North Carolina. 

David Blackmon [00:04:08] It was pretty targeted, wasn't it? 

Larry Schweikart [00:04:10] Yeah. Did it break dams or what? I'm still not sure what caused all the flooding, but at any rate, Seth Paschall if you go to his substack, Captain K's Corner has done a detailed analysis of what this means. The majority of the counties hit are very red counties. The blue area is Asheville. Asheville offsets about three of the voter registrations in some of the red counties, but you still have a lot of red counties out there. Couple of other small blue cities. So the upshot, as he puts it, is probably going to be in the neighborhood of 50,000 votes one way or the other. If these people can get back on their feet and and vote by Election Day, which you've seen the devastation there, it's questionable. Republicans need to go down there with a shovel on one hand and a ballot in the other and and help out as much as they can to get these people back on their feet, because it's the damage was just more than I've seen in most typical hurricanes because of the flooding. But I know. 

David Blackmon [00:05:23] There was a lot of destruction in rural Georgia as well. 

Larry Schweikart [00:05:26] Yeah. 

David Blackmon [00:05:27] Yeah. It skirted by Atlanta, but hit rural areas in Georgia, too. And that's that's problematic for the election as well. 

Larry Schweikart [00:05:35] Yeah, I still think Trump is safe in North Carolina. I've always thought he's had a 3 to 4 point lead at most. This will take up maybe half a point. And 

David Blackmon [00:05:47] Think Robinson's going to drag him down. Robinson was a horrible, horrible nominee for governor over there. 

Larry Schweikart [00:05:52] Well, I don't think he will. I mean, people very seldom remember the presidents at the top of the ticket. Yeah. So you vote for president first and you go to governor. I don't think anybody can go, man, I really hate the governors. I'm not voting against. I'm not vote for Trump. I don't see that. But by the way, he may be a horrible candidate, but, he he managed to get in as lieutenant governor and nobody said a word. Right. So people, if they're going to complain about these candidates, they need to start vetting them a long time before they get into lieutenant governor positions where they're going to be the next nominee. So we'll see what happens in North Carolina. A long way out, over 40 days to the election. A lot can happen with those counties coming in. I guess the biggest news and I don't I'm not an advocate of polls, but I think the biggest news in the last couple of days has been we've had 4 or 5 poll drops that have been almost all in President Trump's favor. Yeah, two in Pennsylvania with him up to Atlas and Trafalgar. Trafalgar up with him up in every single swing state except Nevada and North Carolina. 

David Blackmon [00:07:06] Yeah, North Carolina. Yeah. 

Larry Schweikart [00:07:08] And yeah. 

David Blackmon [00:07:08] And there actually was Atlas has released all there's Trafalgar is going to release them over the week. 

Larry Schweikart [00:07:15] a little bit at a time. Yeah that was you're right that was Atlas and then Trafalgar came along. There have been a couple of other polls, but I mean, some of the biggest news is the fact that this idiot Democrat, which I'm glad she said what she said, but she's a stupid fool for saying it. She said that cackle is under water in Michigan. And, you know, it was dragging down her Senate campaign. This is this is Slotkin. So I thank you for your your candid comments there, Alissa. But you can be sure that the cackles campaign wasn't happy to hear that. So if true, that means that she's she's losing both Pennsylvania and Michigan at this point, along with Arizona, Georgia, I think North Carolina and Wisconsin is the only wildcard. And Atlas had Trump up in Wisconsin, I think, by one. So and the combination of the voter registrations, the Republican strength in early ballot requests and early ballot returns is extremely encouraging. Just have to watch that overall number. But again, it's so skewed by places like Colorado, Minnesota, Vermont, you know, Vermont, I think there's one Republican in all of Vermont. And

Stuart Turley [00:08:35]  that's probably Bernie now. 

David Blackmon [00:08:37] Probably. 

Larry Schweikart [00:08:40] And Connecticut, which is used to be a Republican state. Yeah, but it's received so many Boston fliers. That it's turned quite blue. So that's pretty much the state of where we are today. I think if the election were today, Trump would have 312 electoral votes. 

David Blackmon [00:09:01] Yeah. You know, North Carolina's a big wildcard right now in Nevada. I hear, you know, the polling still continues to be pretty disappointing out of Nevada, which I wasn't really expecting. But, you know, and it seems counterintuitive, especially when you see I mean, various polls, New York Times, Siena is one, the Atlas poll showing very strong support among Hispanic voters for Trump, 40% and higher. Which is

Larry Schweikart [00:09:34]  what you've got here. And here's how I think. Here's how I think they're doing it. It looks like they finally got wise on Arizona and voter registrations in Arizona. So they finally woke up to that. And so one of the polls had Trump up by six in Arizona, which is about right, I think between 4 and 6. Yeah, I have a feeling they're doing this one state at a time and that the voter registrations in Nevada, which have Democrats down to a mere 19,000 lead remember they were 88,000 in 2020 and Trump only lost by 33,000. Yeah. So right now they should be in plus Trump territory. And I think that it's just taking the pollsters, the good ones a little bit of time to state by state, go through and make all their adjustments for the registration changes that have absolutely occurred. 

David Blackmon [00:10:27] Yeah. Can we talk about the good polls for a second? You know, and I talk about this a lot in my substack. There are pollsters you should follow and pollsters you should absolutely ignore. And that's not based on pollsters who are Trump friendly and pollsters who are Harris friendly. It's based on the records established by these polling groups, the last two presidential election cycles, and Atlas Trafalgar, which Barris is Paul Rasmussen, have been the four most accurate pollsters in the last two presidential election cycles. And those are the ones you need to pay attention to. These other polls like Quinnipiac has been the least accurate pollster. Morning consult. Anything with Ipsos is named by it. These are polls designed to create news stories. They're not designed to actually gauge voter attitudes. And I just wonder if you agree with that. That's my that's my problem. 

Larry Schweikart [00:11:26] I would add to the good pollsters insider advantage. Yes. And The New York Times has been pretty good this cycle. They seem to be right about where I have things, at least. So I know 

David Blackmon [00:11:38] They're using. A different pollster this time than they've used in the past. So that may explain out there. Yeah. So anyway, I just wanted to mention that I think it's important, just. I don't know. I mean,

Stuart Turley [00:11:50]  I think things have changed a bunch. And when I am on X and I see things, I see polls go whizzing by and I always jump on the liberals as much as I possibly can when they say that kamala's winning in the polls and I vote. And it turns out all those are even turning out more towards Trump. And so the even the poor liberal retards lib turds are actually getting the horrible results. I'm guessing it's 70% for Trump if you want to average everything else. My opinion on X, I could be right. 

David Blackmon [00:12:27] I certainly think if we had balanced news coverage, it would be 70% Trump at minimum. I don't think Democrats could ever win election without controlling most of the media. 

Larry Schweikart [00:12:37] Well, their whole thing is fraught. I mean, from top to bottom, the whole the whole campaign structure is fraud. They won't answer questions. Waltz has indicated he's not going to answer any questions in the in the debate. 

Stuart Turley [00:12:52] Speaking of that. Did you hear the rumor that he's got his wardrobe picked out for tonight? 

David Blackmon [00:12:58] My God. Here we go. 

Stuart Turley [00:13:00]  There you go. Yeah. For our podcast listeners, there's a rumor he's got Kamala's earrings that are voice activated so he can listen to it. 

Larry Schweikart [00:13:13] He's so gay. 

David Blackmon [00:13:15] So Tucker Carlson calls him The Creeper. I don't know if he's married or not, but he sure is creepy. 

Stuart Turley [00:13:22] He is nervous when he walks into the horse barn. They don't like it. 

David Blackmon [00:13:30] Well, let's. Talk about the debate. 

Larry Schweikart [00:13:31] I'm sure he's got an invitation from the George Lincoln Rockwell Project Elementary School chapter member any moment. 

Stuart Turley [00:13:39] Wow. 

David Blackmon [00:13:41] Holy moly. I'm not going there, folks. 

Stuart Turley [00:13:43] Larry I've got a real question for you. Who vetted this idiot. And I think it was intentional. I swear it was intentional, because this guy should not have passed any sniff test. 

Larry Schweikart [00:13:58] What happened was that, according to what I've read, the scuttlebutt is that no one wanted that job that Harris actually interviewed tackles. Shapiro actually interviewed Harris and said, no way am I getting involved with this. And the same thing happened with dozens of other candidates that they approached say that they saw her as a train wreck. You know, the Titanic, they wanted to preserve themselves for 2028. So I honestly think he was the last man, if you want to call him that, standing. 

Stuart Turley [00:14:34] Last boy. Yeah. Last. Last. Something. 

David Blackmon [00:14:39] The Last Creeper standing. 

Larry Schweikart [00:14:41] What I was getting at, though, about the fraud is there's this. This guy singular or something like that. Who does this analysis of the cell phones at this Harris events? 

Stuart Turley [00:14:54] Tony Gray. I follow him on X, he, you know. 

Larry Schweikart [00:14:58] Sounding out of out of 5000 people, 3000 of the cell phones are from California and 500 of them will be people who work at the venue. And then a bunch of them are from like Indiana and almost none of them are from the actual venue that she is speaking to. They're all bused in. This is this is like those Astroturf companies you see roll up with their trucks and roll the Astroturf out. That's exactly what they're into. 

Stuart Turley [00:15:26] And Larry, this one that he she just had, I believe it was in Nevada or in Vegas that she had cartel members. He had that thing geofence down and in there were three cartel members told, I love Tony and we need to lift Tony up in with for prayers for his wife with cancer. We need that man on running on all cylinders. He is a national treasure. 

Larry Schweikart [00:15:57] Well, the cartel needs to watch their investment. 

Stuart Turley [00:16:01] Exactly. They were sitting there, look, on a you misspeak or you end up with cement shoes. 

Larry Schweikart [00:16:10] Right. 

David Blackmon [00:16:13] So the debate tomorrow night, I view it as a an almost certain train wreck for for this guy, for waltz. I don't see any way he can even begin to compete in a debate with J.D. Vance. I mean, I wonder what you guys think. 

Stuart Turley [00:16:34] I'll give my $0.02 and then I'll let Larry give them a real opinion. I think there's going to be a nationwide power outage. They're going to cut the grid. So we cannot see how bad this guy is. 

David Blackmon [00:16:45] That could happen. 

Larry Schweikart [00:16:47] I'm just going to caution you guys that that liberals in these debates have done, with the exception of rutabagas, melt down, have done pretty well because they have the answers in their ear. B, they have notes. C They have very favorable moderators. Yeah. So don't overlook the or underestimate the impact of moderators who can frame a question so that even a dimwitted sponge pickle like, whoa. 

Stuart Turley [00:17:19] Spurge, pickle. Holy smokes, I got me a new word for pickle. 

Larry Schweikart [00:17:24] Synonym is Dick Neville. 

Stuart Turley [00:17:28] So I'm glad this is 

David Blackmon [00:17:31] there's a reason. Why his nickname among his football players he supposedly coached was Sandusky folks. I mean, that's. 

Larry Schweikart [00:17:37] Yeah. Well, 

Stuart Turley [00:17:38] wow. Wow. 

Larry Schweikart [00:17:40] I wouldn't let him within 200 yards of an elementary school, but that's just me anyway. I would I would not just assume that it's going to be another Biden tight blowout because, they weren't there. And remember, the Biden thing was in part structured to get him out. They allowed that to happen to him. So they're not going to allow him to be ground in the dust by J.D. Vance. So interrupt Vance. They will fact check him, even though they say they're not going to do that. They're going to do everything they can to throw roadblocks up to keep him from landing the knockout blow. I think it'll end up more than a tie, but not the knockout, you say? 

Stuart Turley [00:18:21] Hats off to Vance. I every interview I have seen him in, I like him even more. And we know 

David Blackmon [00:18:29] he's the. Most effective V.P. nominee. 

Stuart Turley [00:18:31] I am so impressed. I've reached out and tried to get him on the podcast and I haven't heard back yet, which is normal. I have to pretend I'm Larry. 

Larry Schweikart [00:18:43] Well, you you saw all the cackling by all of the people who were the supporters of Haley, you know, the knickknack patty whackers, those people and all the supporters of of Santas and some of the others. Rubio I should have picked Rubio so much better. You know, the sweaty little man. 

Stuart Turley [00:19:07] You know, David, with your permission, I'd like to play my new favorite song, if that's okay. Okay. Let me play this one. This is my new favorite song. Larry, I don't know if you have heard. 

David Blackmon [00:19:17] This is Stu's American top 10. 

Video Speaker 1 [00:19:20] Is on the right. They know I'm beating. Come alert. This race won't even be tied for Policies. Not so she's out of God mind. She thought the same thing, regurgitating her lines. She thinks that immigration without paper work is good. Clearly not. Was power underneath Kamala's hood? Or is that what you are? 

Stuart Turley [00:19:44] I'll never hear this song again. Without . 

Video Speaker 1 [00:19:47]  mass inflation imminent If she weasels herself. And if you have no like, fun to you, then you better help me win I promise I secure. Be in better hands. It'd be a flippin free for all. With what Kamala  plans. Quarters are what you are. 

David Blackmon [00:20:07] Love the music. 

Stuart Turley [00:20:08] Okay.  I'm sorry. That was that. I needed that. I feel better. I got sweaty palms and then. David, I'm going to hijack one more here. This is real quick. This is what our election season has come to. I've never believed. If our election season was the opposite, where was the , AI is absolutely at home? Look at this guy. I don't know who did the 

David Blackmon [00:21:04] That's fantastic 

Stuart Turley [00:21:04] Got to the door, brother. Wasn't that great. 

David Blackmon [00:21:06] Man? 

Larry Schweikart [00:21:07] Stu, do you have the the song fighter? 

Stuart Turley [00:21:12] Fighter. Yes, I think I do. 

Larry Schweikart [00:21:14] That one's really good, too. That's. That's superb as well done. 

David Blackmon [00:21:19] So back to the border. Kamala actually visited the border. She visited this town in Arizona Friday. Spent about half an hour there, make a little speech and got back on the plane. Flew away on the same day that hours day after all these incredible statistics of criminal crossings into our country over the past three years came out there, government statistics. They're not Republican statistics. Half a million convicted criminals, including more than 13,000 committed murderers, over 16,000 convicted of sexual assault. And then she the next day goes to the border. Was that a big campaign blunder, Larry? Or did anybody even see it because of the. 

Larry Schweikart [00:22:05] No, nobody saw it. Nobody saw it. Nobody cares what she does. There's a few liberals on Twitter who poster things, but basically the media is doing a blackout of her because they know she's too stupid, that if they expose her to the American public in any way, it will only hurt her campaign. As for those numbers, they are government numbers. But I'm wondering who leaked them and why? Why did they come out? 

David Blackmon [00:22:29] It was a freedom of information request demanded by a member of Congress. 

Larry Schweikart [00:22:33] Yeah, but we know that those can be delayed almost indefinitely. So the question is why? I'm also very interested in and concerned about, in a way, these arrests, the ongoing arrests by US marshals under Operation Northstar. People have you heard of this Operation North Star just announced they've arrested another 3500 people. Not illegal. They didn't say they were illegal. They said they were felons, including hundreds of murderers, people on gun charges of fraud, a variety of other things. This is the second one that I've read about. I saw one a few months ago with another 3500. David, you say that you found that so far over 10,000 have been arrested by the U.S. Marshals. What is going on here? 

David Blackmon [00:23:23] Yeah, that's that was they did a press release Friday, Department of Justice, the first one I've seen on this, in which they claim they've now made 10,200 of these arrests just over the last year. It's a project that was begun in late 2020 to. And Garland. Merrick Garland himself says We first launched Operation Northstar in 2022 to identify and apprehend the most dangerous fugitives and violent offenders. From May to September of this year. The Marshals Service worked with state and local law enforcement partners in ten metro areas to arrest more than 3400 fugitives and violent offenders and seized large quantities of firearms and fentanyl. So apparently this is the DOJ initiative to, I guess, at least look like they're doing something about all, you know, 100,000 Americans a year getting poisoned by fentanyl. They haven't really done much prior to this, obviously, and haven't really seemed to care much about it. Biden probably doesn't even know it exist. So I guess, I mean, I don't know. I guess it's a commendable effort. Good for the Marshal Service for for doing something that no one else in DOJ appears to want to do. So that's good. 

Larry Schweikart [00:24:40] What if this was a scenario? What if a group of the marshals went into Grand Mosque? Garland's office? Because that's who he reminds me of is Star Wars, Grand Moff Tarkin. You know, the toady who does whatever he's told by Darth Vader anyway? Correct? Grand Moff Garland. And they go into his office and they say, Look, you guys are going to lose the election and the Republicans are out for blood. They're probably going to deconstruct or vastly change the FBI. We want to remain intact. So how about if you let us do some good PR and switch us over from hunting white nationalists to just hunting plain old criminals? Yeah. I'm wondering if that meeting took place in Garland. Seeing the handwriting on the wall didn't say, okay, you guys proceed and then we'll put out a press release every time you arrest several thousand of these bad guys. 

David Blackmon [00:25:38] That might have happened. Wouldn't surprise me. We've seen no other operations in good faith by this Department of Justice, so I'd like to think there might be one of them happening. You know, I saw a minute ago Steve talked about trying to get J.D. Vance on his podcast. Here's someone I want to get on my podcast. I want everybody I came across this young lady this morning on air. She's apparently a tech talk influencer. And I just got an email telling me her name is Joy Black and she has a TikTok account. Her address is Joy Black, L.A., C.R. Use the backup. And I'm going to try to get her for an interview because she has a video. She did 4.5 minute video going through all the mysterious connections with the intelligence community for both Trump assassins of the first one and the second one. Both obviously connected into the Intel community. I watch a guy named Mike Beanz who is a person actually, he's one of my favorite guys. He has a 2.5 hour video going through all this stuff. She did it in four minutes and 23 seconds. It's one of. 

Larry Schweikart [00:26:56] Those. 

David Blackmon [00:26:57] Yeah, I mean, I spent 2.5 hours over the weekend listening to Mike Benz's deal. I mean, this girl does it in 4.5 minutes. It's crazy. Crazy good. 

Stuart Turley [00:27:07] Here's my minute off. A year or so. 

David Blackmon [00:27:09] Let's play a minute of it. 

Stuart Turley [00:27:10] What's your substack again, David? 

David Blackmon [00:27:12] Yeah, Blackmon dot Substack. You can find this. 

Video Speaker 2 [00:27:16] One thing alone. So we see some similarities between the shooters. Both We're donors to ActBlue, a PAC for the Democrat Party. Both managed to get within 500 yards of Trump. Both attempts were followed by the mainstream media, kind of oddly downplaying the severity of the situations. And most importantly, Crux was in a 2023 BlackRock commercial, and Ruth was in a 2022 commercial for the Ukrainian militia that had been trained by the American CIA for the past decade and is funded by BlackRock. Here is the explanation. So for context, Ryan Ruth was a construction worker in North Carolina that moved to Hawaii as a house and a business there that wasn't making any money. So he was listed as unemployed. He really cared about standing for Ukraine. So this former construction worker with no income operating entirely alone ran a website offering Americans $1,200 a month to fight for Ukraine, was illegally moving Afghani soldiers fleeing from the Taliban in Pakistan and Iran to fight for Ukraine. Dropped everything for months at a time to fly himself to Ukraine and flew to D.C. to lobby for Congress to recruit soldiers for Ukraine. He also has about 200 criminal filings, including up to that. 

David Blackmon [00:28:41] Folks, this is this is for the best 4.5 minutes you're going to spend today going through all this stuff because this guy's background and the other guy's background, too, are no different than Lee Harvey Oswald is background. Okay. And it's just a matter of historic record. Lee Harvey Oswald was an operative for both the CIA and the FBI in the late 50s, early 60s is why he went to Russian backed government, paid his travel expenses both ways, you know, so but we didn't find out about Oswald for 30 years after the Kennedy assassination, although. 

Larry Schweikart [00:29:12] Not not so fast. I would say you need to add on to that. He was also an operative of the KGB and the Cuban Intel. I think Oswald was getting four different paychecks. 

David Blackmon [00:29:24] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And but, you know, we didn't until they established that commission to release the documents related to the Kennedy assassination in the early 90s. We didn't know about any of that for 30 years. Here we are, what, 60 days after the first assassination attempt. And we know all this stuff about these two guys. And in just two weeks after the second  

Stuart Turley [00:29:47] Hats off to Elon. Otherwise, we were 

David Blackmon [00:29:50] That's right, You wouldn't know any of it without elon and tiktok. So, again, 4.5 minutes. Best, best time you'll invest today. I just wanted to put that out there since I have this platform, What's next to give us the Commerce secretary. Okay. The elevated language attacking Trump still goes on. 

Video Speaker 3 [00:30:12] How do we get here? Let's fly. Like, how did we get here? Let's extinguish him for good. We have an answer. We have markedly talented candidate who is sincere, who's pragmatic, who's open. Let's just get it done. 

Larry Schweikart [00:30:26] Is the deputy. 

David Blackmon [00:30:27] Assistant commerce secretary united. 

Larry Schweikart [00:30:30] You know, I mean, who's this talented candidate? I haven't seen a Democratic candidate. 

David Blackmon [00:30:36] I mean, Robert F Kennedy was in the race for a while. 

Stuart Turley [00:30:38] And then you have the converse the other person, Trump, and this is his person speaking yesterday. 

Video Speaker 4 [00:30:46] In there to say we need to address this at the top of our speech. And he did that. And today he said, let's adjust the schedule. I want to go to Georgia. I want to see my people. I want to see what's happening down there and how we can help. So he'll receive a briefing. We're leaving in just a few hours from here in New York. And I'd add, you know this. He's going down there to talk to that station. Before Kamala Harris. Before Joe Biden. Yesterday, Joe Biden was asked what more can be. 

David Blackmon [00:31:11] Harris hadn't even said a word about this. Trump's already had it down there. You know how The New York Times responded to that? By the way, this morning they have an article headlined Trump Injects Politics into Hurricane Lane Situation. 

Larry Schweikart [00:31:25] Well, they still that from Politico, which had that exact headline. 

David Blackmon [00:31:29] I'm sorry, It was Politico. You're right. 

Larry Schweikart [00:31:31] Yeah. And then they backed off of it. They had to try to run an article that made it look like, well, we we really didn't mean to just say that. Which these people are so hideous. I mean, really, they do belong in jail. Many of them I know they say, well, yes, Trump going to jail only fit. Well, probably a good idea. 

David Blackmon [00:31:49] Yeah, absolutely. 

Larry Schweikart [00:31:50] Fitz. 

David Blackmon [00:31:52] Yeah. You know, I mean, it's so folks, I say this a lot, but it's really true. No matter how much you think you hate the mainstream media, it's not nearly as intense as you should hate them. Okay? Because these people are not just anti journalism. They are anti Americans. They what they do is is an abrogation of the duty of the fourth estate that the founders of this country knew was vitally important for the maintenance of our freedoms, the free flow of information, a free press. That's why it's in the First Amendment to the Constitution, the right to a free press. And these people have completely in the modern media, have completely abrogated that responsibility in favor of promoting a political agenda of one of the political parties. And I think we are all fully aware of that. But it's really detestable what they've done to the practice of journalism. And I guess I bored everybody to silence their. 

Stuart Turley [00:32:59] No. 

David Blackmon [00:33:04] What's Stu

Stuart Turley [00:33:05] I. That was my next one coming up here. And it was just calling Mr. RT He was calling. 

David Blackmon [00:33:13] I'm sorry. That was you with the phone ringing. Okay. Yeah. So where are we going? Going from here. Guys, we got 37 days left to the election. My theory is, if Trump just keeps running, his campaign doesn't do another debate. Should never, ever. He has no. There's nothing in it for him to do. Another debate that he's going. 

Stuart Turley [00:33:33] To win him alive is my biggest concern. 

David Blackmon [00:33:36] That's right. That's right. 

Stuart Turley [00:33:37] And seeing that there are five death dealing squads now armed with surface to air missiles in the United States, and knowing that three of those are probably our three letter agencies trying to kill him is the biggest concern that I have. 

David Blackmon [00:33:57] Larry, what do you think? I mean. 

Larry Schweikart [00:33:59] Yeah, that's that's a concern. I this is just me spiritually. I have no concern about his life whatsoever. I personally believe God protected him, put him in the place he's going to be. And I don't care if they would launch a nuke at the city, it would not it would fail to detonate or whatever. It's just he's going to be there. And you're right about not doing another debate if he just keeps on keeping on. I think he will probably add at least one more point in every one of these states. Winning Pennsylvania by 2 to 3. Winning Michigan by to winning Wisconsin. By to winning North Carolina by 5 or 6. Winning Arizona by six. Winning Nevada by 2 to 3. Winning Florida by ten. Winning Ohio by ten. So the real question is, what are the battleground states? Because Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin really are no longer battleground states. They are Trump states that they tend to occasionally dip into blue territory, but not very often. And I would argue that right now, Virginia and Minnesota and Maine and New Mexico are probably your next four battleground states. I saw a poll with Trump down just six in New Mexico. Trump under polls every single time by over to 2.1 points. So that poll means he's really within four and you got margin of error, which really means it could be tight and it could be worse that it could be tied. You look at Minnesota, he was down three in Minnesota, again, between the under polling of Trump and margin of error. He could be tied right now in Minnesota. So in all of these states, I think that you're going to be a little surprised by how close they are either way. Not that Trump's going to run away with any of these states. But I could see him taking New Mexico by 10,000 or taking Virginia by 20,000 votes and losing by an equal number at least. But that's how close they are. And he just continues. I want to say a word, though, about Siouxsie Wiles. I know Robert Barnes and others were very critical of her and Emerald Robinson, the perennial dilemma on Twitter. I never have. I'm just a harpy. Horrible. Anyway, they've all gone on and on about Siouxsie Wiles. I'll tell you what, Siouxsie Wiles, with the exception of her opposition to J.D. Vance as Veep, Siouxsie Wiles has led a stellar campaign. She's had Trump in the lead almost the entire time, had him leading all the battlegrounds. Everybody admits Trump this time around is the most disciplined version of Trump they've ever seen. Always on message. Very few mean tweets. Very few sides. Adults

David Blackmon [00:36:54] Still have a. View every now and then. 

Larry Schweikart [00:36:55] Economy. Immigration. Ukraine. War. Economy. Immigration. Ukraine. Every place he goes. And that's all Siouxsie Wiles and her influence. So I don't know how you can criticize somebody as your guy in the lead. Probably around a 312 electoral vote margin right now and say she's not doing a very good job and. 

David Blackmon [00:37:18] He's polling better than he ever has in ten years. 

Larry Schweikart [00:37:20] Ever. And hats off to Scott Pressler up there and possibly who's just and surrounding voter registration guy. This guy alone is worth 200 registrations per day. 

David Blackmon [00:37:32] Yeah. Yeah. He's he's been fantastic. You know, and I think also the performance of the RNC under. 

Larry Schweikart [00:37:40] Yes 

David Blackmon [00:37:41] And Lara Trump has been dramatically improved. And, you know, I'm hoping the army of lawyers they've got on got on contract now are going to be able to police the vote count. 

Larry Schweikart [00:37:52] Well, they've done really well so far. They've done well in the court case in Arizona and the one in Pennsylvania, the one in Youngkin, whether it was with or without the RNC lawyers did a good job of locking down fraudulent votes in Virginia. They locked down the fraudulent votes in Georgia. Of course, the Senate has already eliminated fraud in Florida and Nevada, purged about 100,000 dead Democrat voters. Oklahoma purged 450,000 dead. I mean, that's a size of Norman. You know, it's three times the size, the norm. And they they purged Ohio, purged 100,000. That's all because the RNC is pushing these people. And then in Pennsylvania, you have an operation called Pennsylvania Chase, and then it's chasing. 

Stuart Turley [00:38:43] The various Biden administration is filing appeals. 

David Blackmon [00:38:47] Sure. Yeah, Well, they sued Alabama. Yeah, last week. 

Larry Schweikart [00:38:51] Yeah. Good luck with that. I want to see him try to win Alabama. But you got can't of. In your case in Pennsylvania, you've got the ten program in Michigan. These were unheard of in 2020 or even 2016. And it shows that the Republicans are on the field when it comes to ballot harvesting, ballot chasing early ballot. You know, voting. So they're doing a great job. 

David Blackmon [00:39:16] Yeah. Yeah, they are. And, you know, just a lot of hard work. You know, running a campaign is a really complex and difficult thing. I think the other thing that Trump is benefiting from is, is just, well, no, it's not the other. You already mentioned his discipline, his self-discipline and his his just running the campaign. And the other thing they've done in their campaign is making all these impromptu stops where they just pull over. He goes into a store and it truly is impromptu. Whereas when Harris does it like they did a couple of weeks ago, they literally go in and order everybody in a restaurant to leave. Then they bring in a bunch of actors to pretend to be eating in the restaurant. And then she finally comes and it's all fake. It's all phony. And so on stage, just like the entire campaign. 

Stuart Turley [00:40:04] And then when Vance shows up to the same restaurant, they go, look, let him in. Oops. 

David Blackmon [00:40:11] That was the perfect response to that, too. 

Larry Schweikart [00:40:14] It was a big mistake on that restaurant's part. They're going to lose very significant business over that. Very stupid. 

David Blackmon [00:40:21] Yeah, they trying to recover from it. They put out a message on Twitter, you know, claiming that they didn't prevent Vance from coming in. He was he was welcomed in. And, you know, then momentarily, their hostess got confused. But you could see in the video, I mean, it wasn't just the hostess doing that. It was the owner of the restaurant or the guy who has the franchise that was back in the kitchen, you know, telling people everybody to get out. All the Trump supporters get out of the restaurant wasn't just the hostess. And yeah, I think they're going to lose a lot of business and not just in that one franchise. It's going to impact the entire chain. And, you know, I don't have anything against them. I'm not even aware of what that restaurant serves or what they're about. But when you do something like that, it's stupid and it doesn't matter which which party you're doing it to, it doesn't matter. You're going to lose business. You're pissing off half of your potential customers. 

Stuart Turley [00:41:19] So, David, like just like an energy, you know, you and I have always said physics and fiscal responsibility matter. Are you saying ethics matter? 

David Blackmon [00:41:32] Well, they used to in America, I assume they still do in some parts of our society. They used to matter a lot more than they do overall. But that's just the process of becoming a banana republic, like we're well down the road to doing if we don't turn this thing around pretty quick. 

Stuart Turley [00:41:53] Larry, How do people find your books? Those are phenomenal books, by the way. 

Larry Schweikart [00:41:57] You can go to, of course, Amazon, The Patriots History of the modern world over there is out of print. You can still get copies on Amazon, but basically it's out of print. And the rest of it, you can all get on my website. Wild World of Wild World of I also have a full curriculum for homeschoolers. High schoolers. 

Stuart Turley [00:42:21] Wow. 

Larry Schweikart [00:42:21] On the U.S. and world History curriculum, I teach every lesson, every chapter of history and video. So even if you have another curriculum might say you're doing classical conversations, you might want to get a hold of me at Larry a while. World And I'll see if I can give you a special access to the videos only for a reduced price. 

Stuart Turley [00:42:45] Nice. I like that because in home school we have got to help our home schoolers because it's going to be the only way we say it's going to be one of the main things to save the country. 

Larry Schweikart [00:42:58] Yep. 

David Blackmon [00:43:00] Well, Stu, how can people find you? 

Stuart Turley [00:43:04] They can find me on the energy news beat dot or energy news beat dot co and or X Stuart Turley 16 So and I'm a bonehead with lots of fun. 

David Blackmon [00:43:20] It's never ending fun on X. You can find me at Substack Blackmon Dot Substack and David Blackmon Dot Substack where I write about politics and everything I do is linked at one of those two substack accounts. And with that, guys, I think we have covered our agenda for today. Anything. It'll take you to the order. It was great to you, Larry. It's always a pleasure. All right. Everybody was. 

Larry Schweikart [00:43:48] I just saw you on Twitter. I just got out. 

David Blackmon [00:43:52] That's right. Larry's on on Twitter, too, folks. 

Stuart Turley [00:43:55] All right. 

Larry Schweikart [00:43:56] Bye. 

David Blackmon [00:43:57] Bye. See y'all next week. 

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