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Aug 13Liked by Stu Turley

So who’s side is Elon Musk really on, apart from his own side:-

Telegraph 06/08/2024 Podcast: The Daily T: Is Elon Musk enabling the far-Right?

Tim Stanley: “Right, so Elon believes in free speech, he’s sacked workers at Twitter [now known as ‘X’] who’ve publicly criticised him. Elon believes in freedom, he won’t allow his workers to unionise, right, so it is a freedom which happens to align with the interests of a really really rich American industrialist, that’s why and I go back to the point I made at the beginning [of this podcast] I don’t believe in free speech in a sense that I think people say they want free speech but what they’re really saying is (a) my view is not being heard loud enough and (b) I’d like the freedom to shout over you so that everyone can hear me, the day, the day that Elon Musk says to Tesla workers guys you can unionise, and criticise me as much as you like in public, I’ll believe he’s just a big old cuddly libertarian, but I don’t, I don’t believe it.”

And as for Donald Trump, I’m not a believer in monotheistic deity, but God save America🤔

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