I cringe to think of the risk to migrating eagles, and to bats and other flying animals. I challenge the beneficiaries of these wind projects to show the environmental impact statements that rival those required of other energy projects. Where is the money trail?

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I could not agree more! It is despicable and your comment:" "Where is the money trail is RIGHT on!!! Energy hypocrisy and corruption in the global and us political system is terrible. I am getting censored and shadow banned like you would not believe. It is fun to know how to get around it and spread the word about getting the lowest kWh to everyone on the planet with the least impact on the environment while being fiscally responsible does not include wind and solar on an epic scale with the current technology. - Thanks again for your comment!!!!! - Stu

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My shtick is household/homestead-sized power systems based on the revolving-door turbine I'm building. Sorry if I keep repeating this too much, but I do need support to get from here to a production prototype, so I'll appreciate any reposting you can do. I'll welcome feedback. (BTW, my turbine is enclosed, and the air inlet is screened, so birds and bats are safe.)https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/seraph-power-llc-wind-turbine#/

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