93.5% of Scotland's primary energy is from oil and gas (fuels as they enter the primary energy system). This demonisation of cheap and reliable fossil fuel is all part of the WEFs Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030 SDGs using the 'COVID pandemic' as the catalyst for 'transformational change.' There is also no climate crisis least of all caused by the life giving gas CO2. Reality is being inverted.

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It will be survival of the fittest and solar and wind are not fit for the job! In the meantime the losers are the consumers and you would think the banks too. But they are undeterred from the task at hand, eliminating dirty oil and gas.

I presume since the government is going to finance their transition to wind and solar with dirty oil and gas taxes, they believe they can collect enough to do this before that dirty money runs out and they have whitewashed it into a product they think will continue their piggy bank.... as the rest of the world as learned, you should never assume, model, forecast or read that crystal ball... it never works out the way you want it when your hypothesis is so deeply flawed to start with!

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How long will it take; for the people/voters to find out that the Government represents only the interest of WEF, UN ad IMF and so the very elite; An interest that is about to destroy the interest of common people.

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