Energy News Beat
Energy News Beat Podcast
Newsom’s $1.4B EV Spending
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -12:29

Newsom’s $1.4B EV Spending

Daily Standup Top Stories

Trump expected to annihilate California’s ‘green mandates’ – the most radical in the world.

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Despite Huge Budget Shortfall, Newsom To Spend $1.4 Billion On EV Charging Stations

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‘No Measurable Effect’: Study Finds ‘Net Zero’ Emissions Would Have Negligible Climate Impact

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Germany’s Scholz loses confidence vote

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Sweden Blasts Germany For Blocking Nuclear Funding And Driving High Energy Costs

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Highlights of the Podcast

01:29 – Trump expected to annihilate California’s ‘green mandates’ – the most radical in the world.

04:37 – Despite Huge Budget Shortfall, Newsom To Spend $1.4 Billion On EV Charging Stations

06:46 – ‘No Measurable Effect’: Study Finds ‘Net Zero’ Emissions Would Have Negligible Climate Impact

07:52 – Germany’s Scholz loses confidence vote

09:58 – Sweden Blasts Germany For Blocking Nuclear Funding And Driving High Energy Costs

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Stuart Turley: [00:00:10] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat, the podcast. My name’s Stu Turley President and CEO of the sandstone group Michael is running around main investors and having a great day. I’ll tell you what it is is a wild day on the news desk. Trump expected to annihilate California’s green Mandate, the most radical in the world. Interesting story from a friend of the show. Despite the huge budget shortfall, Newsom to spend $1.4 billion on EV charging stations, as I’ve you’ve heard me say before, Holy smokes, Batman. No measurable effect Study finds net zero emissions would have negligible climate impact. It is a wealth transfer scheme is all it is. Let’s go to Germany. Germany’s Scholz loses confidence vote. That poor man has really gotten some real hard times coming around the corner. But he sees nothing as we laugh about on the show. In our last story, Sweden blasts Germany for blocking nuclear funding in a high driving, high energy cost. I’ll tell you, green energy policies, you’ve heard it here. Second, are real problems. [00:01:28][78.1]

[00:01:29] Let’s start with the first story here. Trump is expected to annihilate California’s green mandates, the most radical in the world. This story is from Ronald Stein. He is a friend of the show. And we’ve got in the show notes in the article on this a link to his sign up for energy literacy for Ronald Stein. Ronald’s got several great books out. He’s been on the podcast a couple times. And absolutely, I love my discussions with Ronald. He is, as I affectionately call a national treasure. California Governor Gavin Newsom represents a population of 40 million. The state’s residents are a minuscule point 4% of the 8 billion people on this planet. But he has California acting like an independent country with environmental laws, regulations and mandates unmatched on this planet. Now, Governor Newsom is saying he’s going to trump proof California, which is absolutely stupid. Wind turbines for the generation of electricity under favorable wind conditions would be nonexistent were if it weren’t for the government subsidies and mandates behind them. Today, we have towering engines of mass destruction marching across the countryside, killing birds and bats and laying waste, do farmlands and forced. Ronald is dead on right there to meet the goal. Listen to this. Ronald points out the goal of 85,000 gigawatt hours of power would require 2500 floating ten megawatt wind turbines 20 miles offshore, each one 1000ft tall, anchored in water, 4000ft with high voltage undersea transmission lines connecting to each one of them on land based substations. If they were, it would be $300 billion. The California is already in debt up to their ear holes. And when you sit back and take a look at this in, not only are you going to need that amount of power, but you’re going to need standby power or what’s called baseline power. You’re not going to be able to even get this thing off the ground partially. Not only are you going to kill all wildlife out there, it is fiscally beyond irresponsible. A Facebook trailer illustrates for the New Land Man Drama, a television series created by Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallace. Newsom is oblivious to the fact that every product in our society that did not exist 200 years ago is made from oil. So he’s got a war on our lifestyle and anything that is convenient, and yet he is above the law. Again, hats off to Ronald Stein. This is a great article. And also hats off to grow. I love the picture that is there. You’ve got Trump closing the door on Newsom generated by Rock on X. [00:04:37][187.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:37] Let’s go to the next story. Despite a huge budget shortfall, Governor Newsom plans to spend 1.4 billion on EV charging stations. You can’t buy this kind of stupid. And I think he’s related to Nancy Pelosi. So I think that may be in the bloodline. As Breitbart noted earlier in this week, Newsom’s TV mandate is in trouble with sales falling below targets. In addition, The Los Angeles Times reported Newsom is raising eyebrows by continuing to propose new spending. Even though the state is suffering under massive budget deficits despite lavish Covid relief from the federal government under Joe Biden’s inflationary rescue plan, which he signed in office on 2021, here’s a quote. The California Energy Commission, the state agency oversees energy policy approved a 1.4 billion plan Wednesday that regulators would result in nearly 17,000 new chargers for passenger vehicles statewide, adding to the more than 152,000 public and private chargers available today. The money will be spent over the next four years in a news release that regulators say at least 50% of the funds will go to parts of the state that bear a disproportionately share of population, such as communities near highways, oil refineries and landfills. It does not make any sense. They are capable of spending this money. They’ve spent billions trying to get a train and they have gotten nothing done on it. You take a look at the Biden administration spending billions I talked about this on yesterday show that we had a billion spent with the federal government and had 37 trucks or 90 truck, whatever the number was on the trucks. So none of these programs are working. The Biden-Harris spent billions, spent billions, and got no busses out there on the school bus programs. So it is just a waste of money. [00:06:45][127.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:46] Let’s go to the next one. No measurable effect Study finds net zero emissions would have negligible climate impact. This is a great thing. New research finds that CO2 is the largest possible climate impact is negligible. Cumulative expected temperature change in doubling CO2 from 400 to 800 parts per million is only 81.81 Celsius at most. And this is certainly not cause for alarm or declaring a climate emergency. After that, CO2 impact collapses logarithmic only to less than 0.05 Celsius, even as concentrations rise to 900 parts per million. We are in a point in our history of the earth that we’re actually low on CO2 and CO2 is actually, some call it plant food. So I like this one. This was at the no tricks zone was where this article came from on this new study. [00:07:51][65.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:52] Let’s go to Poor old Germany’s Chancellor Scholz loses no confidence vote. You’ve heard me say for a while now that unless Chancellor Scholz could actually get Russian natural gas, cheap Russian natural gas and re industrialize Germany, he would be voted out of office. He’s not going to make it. They are already taking a look at this lost confidence vote in parliament on Monday, paving the way for snap elections early next year. The outcome was expected in Schulz’s government coalition collapsing on November after a budget dispute. A total of 394 ballots were cast against him, with 207 in his favor and 116 abstentions. Holy smokes, a Scholz who will lead his Social Democrat Party. The SPD in the February election reportedly smiled, warning of the result was announced and shook the hand of the vice chancellor, Robert Habeck. Besides seeing nothing, as we joked about on this show, another note came across that not only President Zelensky is now looking and asking for negotiations on what did I call for contracts on the Russian natural gas pipeline passed through in Ukraine that’s expiring in a few weeks. They’re looking to get it renegotiated and resigned. The only way that Chancellor Schultz has a way of gaining more traction on keeping his job as chancellor of Germany is to get cheap Russian natural gas so that he can bring down the cost of energy. His closing down of the nuclear facilities has put Germany’s electrical rates at about the highest in the world with the renewable energy. Same thing with California. Same thing with New York. Same thing with New Jersey. Same thing with the UK. And it is just a formula that has proven to be failing. [00:09:57][124.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:58] So let’s go to the last story here. Sweden blast Germany for blocking nuclear funding and driving high energy costs. It’s one thing the Germans do not want. New nuclear power for themselves, but it’s another to prevent other countries from accessing these funds, she explained, adding that the opposition amounted to hypocrisy. A German should split its electricity price zone and allow EU funds to go toward nuclear power plants, Sweden Energy Minister Ebba Bush said on Monday, adding fuel to a long standing policy clash with Berlin. Meeting after meeting Germany has blocked the possibility of financing the construction of new fossil free based power load in the EU. So it’s one thing if Germany doesn’t want the nuclear power plants and they shut them down and they’re paying the price. Why are they blocking the rest of the countries in the EU that want nuclear? And then Germany, ironically, as I mentioned on yesterday’s podcast, is paying extra in electricity so that brands can revitalize their electrical nuclear fleet. You can’t buy this kind of stupid thinking and I’m sorry, it’s just not making any sense. [00:11:19][80.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:19] So we’ve got a few weeks left in the year. If you’re coming up on taxes and you’re sitting there and you’re now going, wait a minute, what am I going to do in investment in oil and gas or oil and gas royalties is definitely something that you can do. I’m currently making about 32% of my investment. I’ve got some great folks that I’ve invested with and fill out the form on energy news, go to the top menu bar to take a look and say, Is your portfolio okay? Look at that form and fill it out. We just want to know what your opinion is and then we’ll connect you with Ray R.T. over there at Peco’s operating. And also subscribe like share read to your pets and also the energy news is at where our substack is and like and subscribe and share wherever you get your podcast. Thank you all so much. I am interviewing a lot of great nice energy leaders coming around the corner and some political leaders that. Ergo. So come on, let’s have some fun. [00:11:19][0.0][664.7]

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