What makes Germany deindustrialization shocking is the speed at which it is happening. Deindustrialization has happen to many Western countries has the deal the excess regulation & higher labor cost. The exceptions to the rule general comes in the from of cheap accessible energy which can mask the regulatory and labor cost. If you need proof look at the Unites States. A large reason why the U.S. has mostly avoid a recession is not because of any grade thing Congress has done-throwing monies a problem does not solve the issue-but because the U.S. has a decent value added manufacturing base that has access to some of the cheapest energy on the plant. You name it: Oil, petroleum products, natural gas, nuclear, coal, hydro, you will be hard press to find any Western nation with that advantage. Germany had that with it's historical manufacturing infrastructure built around it's own domestic source of BROWN COAL & nuclear. The additional of Russian natural gas gave it's economy and extra boots until it was taken away & they proceeded with greenmageddon. We have mostly turned at blind eye to past deindustrialization-the rust belt area of the U.S. & the Blue Banana area of Europe-because the area where isolated regions not affecting the larger population centers of the respected countries.

Will this help the globe fight the stupid and ridiculous march toward economy death? Hard to say, but what is certain is places with access to cheap energy is the place to operate and invest.

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Pablo - Well said and all great points. Thanks - There is an awakening happening and people are tired of not having the truth in numbers. Even the definition of "Sustainable Energy" is false. Sustainable should include fiscal responsibility of not printing money and delivering the lowest kWh with the least impact on the environment. That by definition includes nuclear, gas, and yes even coal. - Thank you again Pablo - Stu

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