I'm glad to see the EPA is being held to account, but we need a longer term solution to EPA and other government acronym denominated regulatory un-elected bureaucracies' unconstitutional overreach.

(Yeah, that was a mouthful - LOL) We need to elect statesmen and women to congress; representatives and senators who will bring the balance of powers back to where they should be.

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Al, well said!! I am watching what is going on with the American people waking up. With Trump looking to get rid of income tax - that could get rid of the Fed - Restructure government and truly drain the swamp. - If that becomes a reality we have a chance of cutting 80% of government size. But the Titanic was sank with the 4 men who opposed the fed, JFK was killed right after he signed the executive order for the US to go to the silver standard. Anyone who proposes change of this size faces death. - All publicly made available thanks to Elon. - Al - What is the difference between reality and a conspiracy theory now? - My answer - About one week.

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