I am happy to see nuclear power in the mix, especially here in Australia where it is illegal

But after learning enough about climate science to write a book about it i think both warming and extra plant food.in.the air have been beneficial.

The quest for net zero has become a gigantic ponzi scheme and it is likely.to implode quite soon.

By all means stop subsidies and mandates for unreliable wind and solar but don't advocate nuclear power because it is 'clean' which implies that CO2, the breath of life is a pollutant

The superstitious dread of plant food is the foundational lie that drives the suicidal quest for net zero with all the waste of money and the environmental damage that follows.

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True, but I'm afraid we must emphasize nuclear as "clean" to enlist bipartisan support, which is badly needed to make any progress. I can get behind the idea of nuclear being "clean" - there are no particulates or sulphur or nitrogen compounds emitted, and only a very small, manageable amount of waste.

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And -great comment

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Al, I agree, but boy the grids need a base line power, and nuclear is the best there is. Our government has failed us on the entire nuclear waste program, and getting new reactors online. Without low cost baseline power we will be deindustrialized and will suffer a finacial ruin.

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Fantastic comment. it is frustrating that CO2 is considered a pollution. Pollution is a real issue, but if we have good energy policies, there would be plenty of money to focus on cleaning up the actual pollution, like orphaned oil wells, Wind Farm microplastics, and solar panel toxic waste.

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Great interview. It would be good if E. Muller also acknowledged that after using spent nuclear fuel, the amount of waste is reduced 10X. Good to point out lack of ever any action on Yucca Mt plan, and she's proposing a much more sensible solution to disposing of nuclear waste through boreholes.

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