I agree with Doomberg: The EU is a house of cards, where too much energy foolishness will end their union.

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outstanding point! I love Doomberg. They have taken the green wealth transfer too far left, and the deindustrialization of Europe may not be able to be slowed down. It is sad for the consumers and the sheeople.

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As Irina Slav said, the wave turned out to be a ripple. That's disappointing.

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Nothing changes - Seems the house of cards is a card up the sleeve.

And doubling down on policy hoping no one notices. Changes in names and wording do the trick. Same agenda. Will it slow up - probably not - most people don't notice the small stuff.

Kinda like us funding oil and gas - The Texas Energy Fund. and the Parks and Life Fund (very warm and fuzzy with teeth) both approved last year. Both very dangerous precedents.

1. EU’s Nature Restoration Law has finally been approved. - 30x30 land grap - let's kill the farmers.

2. May 24, 2024, the Council of the European Union gave its final approval to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or directive) that was proposed by the European Commission in Feb 22. ESG on steroids. Will affect anyone doing business with EU.

There is probably more I don't know about but this is enough to keep me up at night!

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