The 7 P Plan of the Left - The Transformation of America into a Single-Party Socialist State
This explains current global energy markets
We are seeing the left's green energy policies merge into the left’s energy policies that transferred trillions of dollars into preferred wind, solar, and social programs that did not work.
George McMillan has the answers on how we got here and, more importantly, what President Trump needs to do with the Universities and even the geopolitical situation around Ukraine, the EU, and NATO. It all revolves around energy and the prior attempts to contain Russia. If I were President Trump, I would hire him to work with the team as he has proven to have an incredible knack to figure out the best next steps.
• The podcast discusses the "7P plan" of the left to transform America into a socialist state and how this ties into current events, such as the Ukraine war and the education system.
• It examines how the left has been trying to wipe out Christianity and control the narrative through the media and academia as part of this broader plan. • The podcast also covers the failed "Kellogg plan" for Ukraine and how President Trump's team realized that Putin only needs to "do nothing" for Russia to prevail.
• It highlights the role of the deep state and financial interests in trying to impeach Trump, as well as the need to overhaul the education system and counter the left's propaganda.
• The podcast emphasizes the importance of getting President Trump's team the necessary funding and resources to counter these efforts and save Western culture.
The Seven Ps
The Professor P
The Prosecutor P
The Police P
The Politician P
The Press P
The Priest P
The Parent P
Wokeism, Incompetence, Financial and Political Instability
Check out George McMillian’s contributor page on Energy News Beat here:
So, one of the major issues is the control of the “experts” in the university system. The talking heads that go on TV were paid by organizations like USAID for left-leaning opinions to validate their viewpoints.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:00:03] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. My name's Stu Turley, president and CEO of the Sandstone Group. We are in probably the most interesting news cycle I have ever lived through. I've got a fantastic guest today. He's a regular contributor and author to Energy News Beat, George McMillan. But as I get ready to introduce him and bring him in here today, we are going to talk about the 7P plan of the left. how we got here. He's written it in sections. We're going to show you in just a section. And then after we talk about that for a minute, we're going to talk about the general catalog plan, why it was DOA, why we've been talking about it for months. And then the Zelensky meeting with President Trump in advance and the fallout from it. And then we're going to bring up what are some of the next steps that need to happen. So welcome George. Thank you for stopping by the podcast today.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:01:04] Oh, thanks a lot. Yeah, glad to be here. I'll tell you what this.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:01:13] This is absolutely a crazy time that we're living in right now. Let me bring up Energy Newsbeat, the website here for just a sec. So as you go to energy newsbeat .co or dot com and roll up here, you'll come up here to the top part and you'll see George McMillan. This is where your work is starting to show up. We're going back through. Here is your series on the why the Kellogg plan is DOA. You've got new articles that you're coming in here. and you're working on those. Some of the older articles of Russian natural gas and global geopolitical realignment series. And then here is the 7P plan on the left, the transformation of America into a single party socialist state. And most people don't realize, George, exactly how we got to this point. But this is really tied to today's news cycle when you talk about President Zelensky not wanting a peace deal, and then you also talk about the Secretary of Education being sworn in to tear apart the education. How does the education group fit into the plan of the left?
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:02:29] The reason why we temporarily paused the catalog plan as DOA to revamp these 7P plan articles and put them back up is because the 7P plan is the underlying causation to turn America from a Christian capitalist country into an atheistic socialist country. And it's also because it's Rousseau's... Rousseau marks Engels as based on moving away from a patriarchy to a matriarchy. So it's going away from a nuclear family to, well, they call it spouses in common and children in common because Rousseau attributed inequality among classes and sexes to the of property rights. and the creation of marital rights, since thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not commit adultery or in the Ten Commandments, he says inequality is boosted by the Abrahamic religions over time through culture. So to change the culture back to equality, you have to move to a matriarchy system and then instead of a husband paying for the children and raising the children, the state is going to raise the children. Instead of instead of a child being raised by the parents in a particular clan, in a particular area, in a particular ethnic group and nation, they want people directly tied to the state with any of those intermediary ties so they can move people around, because they think the ethnic clan creates rivalries and then there's religious wars and things like that, so they think they're to go. to a utopia if they do away with the whole idea of the nuclear family. So the entire university system shifted over to the Rousseau -Marx -Engels theory after, you know, before bureaucrats. don't act anything like what Marx and Engels predicted. Those theories should have been thrown out the window on the philosophical level and all the scientific level. But what occurred in the university system was they threw out the Hume -Smith con theories of human nature and the measurement systems. Wow. So they've done the opposite.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:05:14] Now what let's just we're going to we're going to delve dive into these later on but what the effective use of the left in the energy policies and around the world has been the climate change energy policies changing the number and then that leads into our entire natural gas pipeline discussions and everything else that you have been writing on for years and then you and I I talked about. quite a while, and that is the land power versus sea power of trying to strangle Russia because Russia can't be controlled. There's another couple articles that came out that they don't like Christians and they don't like Russians because they're not controllable. So I thought those were some of the most important pieces of that as well too.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:06:07] Yeah, in the original mass migration to 7P Plan argument, it explained why the effort of the current movement is to wipe Christianity out in North America, Europe, and stop the religious revival in Russia. Yes, because the left loved the Soviet Union when it was atheist and communist, when Putin said that, hey, it just does not work in society. It is a disaster. and he started putting money back into the Russian Orthodox Church to rebuild it and rebuild their theological schools. Well, that's when. Right. you know, that's when our academic elite started to hate and vilify Russia. They loved the Soviet Union. And also Saudi Arabia started building the building mosque all through southern, you know, the the central Asian stance, the Soviet Union's all southern republics, the CIS states. So wow, they're experiencing religious revival. This whole attack to splinter Russia This is... is much about to stop and strangle the energy and start to relive its revival. Yeah, it's after bulk.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:07:23] And then I think Admiral John Kirby said this unbelievably well, just a little while. I mean, this has been a while since this has been asked, but you have constantly brought up that General Kellogg, and I respect him, but he's dealing from, you said, all Putin has to do is nothing because he's already won. And, uh, I'm not smart enough, George, to think of that. So that's your line. All Putin has to do is nothing. But general Kellogg's deal was floundering. You and I had been talking about it and then something happened and you and I kind of know what may have happened, but you know, and it, it, it happened. And now he had to change it, but now how the thought process in the admirals before, let me play this one clip of Admiral John Kirby, because they forgot and they didn't understand that the Gorbachev -Reagan -NATO alliance had been agreed to, I believe it was eight to 10 countries kept adding to NATO. And then when you see this neck, a couple more clips in here, NATO was always expanding, going to Russia and not Russia coming to NATO. Let's watch this one from Admiral Kirby.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:08:52] NATO has moved closer to Russia rather than Russia moving closer to NATO. Is that not an accurate way to look at this?
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:08:58] I think that's the way President Putin probably looks at it, and certainly not the way that we look at it.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:09:03] You don't think that NATO has expanded eastward toward Russia?
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:09:06] NATO has expanded.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:09:06] So the reason that the Russian army is at NATO's doorstep is not the fault of the Russian army, it's not the Russian army that's done it, it's NATO that's moved closer to movie
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:09:16] I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who was ordering, you know, upwards of 15 battalion tactical groups to within 10 kilometers of the border with Ukraine, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who put little green men inside Ukraine to destabilize eastern cities.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:09:29] I'm pretty sure that Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Do you not understand how, or can you not even see, how the Russians would perceive it as a threat, and the fact that it keeps getting closer to their border? You're moving closer to Russia, yet you're blaming the Russians for being close to NATO.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:09:44] We're blaming the Russians.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:09:45] Oh yeah, I mean wire to the crane and destabilize it. Wired to the crane and destabilize So that's pretty amazing. I mean, when you sit back and take a look at it, that it really explains the whole cotton picking thing that the talking heads and the generals on TV and everybody that is around there, keep forgetting that NATO has been constantly crossing another line and that's how this whole thing got started. Is that a fair statement?
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:10:15] Right, you know, the guy's a four -star admiral, you know, he's a full admiral. He's had to have gone, he's had to have gone through all those war colleges, especially the one in Newport. Okay, the, I keep on talking about, I don't have my books handy with me, but John Lewis Gaddis, a series of books on grand strategy and the strategies of containment. Yes, John Lewis Gaddis, He has been a teacher at the Navy War College in Newport. He was brought in by Stansfield Turner back in the late 70s. OK. That was during the Carr administration. He's been there since. OK, he's old now. But Hammond Hill and Paul Kennedy, they've been teaching these theories. Paul Kennedy, those guys are at Kennedy's School at Harvard. So yeah, they've been meeting. at the Naval War College. You're talking about my, most of my adult life now. Right. This guy knows damn well what these strategies of containment are. Yes, you move the EU East because it's a free trade agreement within the union. And it's. raises tariff and non -trade tariff barriers to everybody outside the union. So why move it all the way up to Russia's doorstep? So Russia cannot trade at all to the East. And why do that? You're back to trying to stop the export -led growth strategy of Russia for them to develop, because they didn't want them to develop a military. So all of this, The purpose of trading blocks is all done in those different a Russian natural gas and geopolitical realignment series of papers that we did, plus why the catalog plan is DOA. So what leads to the next point is, and then the destruction of the university system by abandoning the scientific project, yeah, if they followed you know, the steps of a priori hypothesis, experimentation, and then post, ex post analysis and theoretical reformulation. Then after the Cold War ended, all of the Rousseau, Marx, Engels theories, both on the philosophical side and the social science side should have been wiped out. It should have been re -theorized along a Hume, Smith, Kant, you know, Pareto. you know, non -central controller theories on both sides. But yes, the social sciences throughout the confirmed set of theories on human behavior and gravitated towards what should have been disconfirmed theories of human behavior. So yes, everything that they've taught in the past five decades is complete nonsense. And as Tubi and Cosmitis in their article explained, the different argument, the different social science disciplines are more than isolated. Okay, why is that important? Because you go from an isolated university system that's teaching nonsense to begin with, and then you go into the secret compartmented information of the government where everybody's even more compartmented. So now you have people so compartmented, they don't even... They don't know how anything relates to anything else. So I revamped the seven P plan papers so people can start to see how they've been propagandized over several decades without realizing it.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:14:03] It's truly amazing. And when you look at the Kellogg plan, and you've got another update coming out that we'll go to here in a bit. But when you had mentioned that the Kellogg plan was DOA because of this, you also have in here some of the Mockingbird program, the CIA Mockingbird program that is very alive and well. uh and for those who don't understand what the Mockingbird program is and that is once you take a narrative and then you put it out to the mainstream media, the mainstream media snags a hold of it and we've got a whole new Mockingbird program underway right now. Let me just show you this one and we're going to see it around the Zelensky Trump thing, but this is the one, one of the ones.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:15:11] I'd like to know who wrote that speech, because they're all saying the same exact thing on all of these folks, and it's just word for word, and they're not going out there saying that all the way around. The only way I can watch this is, but if you'll notice, they're saying the same thing, they use the same clip, and they're using the same thing, it is just pathetic when you talk about the whole 7P plan in action.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:15:43] Right. Matt Orfalea, I think his name is, he does a whole bunch of those montages on YouTube. He's been doing them for a long time. Black Pigeon Speaks, I put it in one of those articles. He did a video on that like seven years ago. It's Black Rock and Vanguard own the stock of all these media companies. Plus, you know, they're going to own the stock of big oil, big tech, and all the other, you know, all the other big industries. So, yes, they write the narratives, pay the think tanks, to write the talking points, and they push this stuff out on any given day, and everybody just follows right along with it. So, they've been doing this for so long, and okay, they're also paying the politicians you know, in their campaign funds. They're also giving these politicians inside trading information. That's how Nancy Pelosi and her husband are worth 110 million dollars or whatever. It's probably 200 million by now. But yeah, it's, they can support this system and fund people and deliver the money so many different ways and all they have to do is just go over their daily talking points. So they're going over that newsletter and it filters down. So yes, you have the grand strategic level on top and then they control the institutional levels. That's why I go to that strategy bridge chart because it's in the military, in the intelligence community, in the civilian executive branch agencies, it's they're controlling the narrative in Congress because they're paying for the politicians. um campaign funding and that needs a lot of money is controlling the military industrial complex so at the grand strategic level yeah it's down to a very very few people in big finance in wall street and the city of london that are controlling all the social media outputs and then it gets worse because we need to do a show on this because what i've been talking about since early January. before he was inaugurated, they're not done trying to impeach and kill Trump. They've only just started. Okay, Trump knows this. The biggest thing of getting him impeached now is if he loses Ukraine. all Putin has to do is nothing. Ukraine's lost, whether people want to admit it in the West or not. If the populist parties rise in power in Central Europe because energy prices are soaring, they're doubling and tripling as we speak, well then the populist parties win in Germany and the whole Danube River Valley, so then Trump is credited with losing Ukraine, EU and NATO and the petrodollar. And then that's enough for the neocons in the Institute for Study of War, AEI, Brookings, the Atlantic Council, and probably a few other influential ones, but I just want to name the big ones. Then impeach Trump before the midterms, or at least make the motion. Because it's such a thin majority of Republicans and Democrats that only a few Thanks for watching! know, a few senators and congressmen need to flip, you have enough to impeach and convict Trump. If they start that procedure at the end of the midterms, carries over to a Democrat victory of both houses, they can finish it on the other side of the midterms with a new Congress and a new Senate. And that needs to be addressed because
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:19:43] Absolutely.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:19:44] You're controlling the.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:19:47] This is, this brings this whole thing together is that president Trump, you said in some of our podcasts last month is that, uh, president Trump thought he was negotiating from a, a platform of power and that's the way he does the art of the deal and he has a deal master. I love president Trump for that. Uh, he is absolutely out there, but he has. the ability for Putin to do business in the EU has been removed. So why should he bother with anything else? And so sanctions are gonna go away. The Russian GDP has grown to 4 % growth GDP. Russia lost 0 .2 % for the second year in a row. They're facing their third year in a row. The EU is failing. Putin, all he has to do is nothing. I believe you said that. I can't claim. I'm not smart enough to do that. So now that we get to this point, we have President Trump's catalog plan is now off the rails. We now have a meeting with President Zelensky in the Oval Office. This is a disaster. And I think President Trump and Vice President Vance in that meeting. did an outstanding job because we have a little and I want to keep not get banned anymore than I'm already banned that I now I'm big enough I could care less. But that Zelensky is not got Ukraine's best interest at hand. Did I get all that summarized? Okay up to here because I'm going to show Tyrus off of the guest show here.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:21:37] off of the gas show here. Let's go ahead and hit that other issue because Alex Craner, the hedge fund guy that's, he's Croatian, he was talking about how the Czech news blog had been reporting that Keir Starmer had gone to Ukraine and signed a minerals deal on the 16th of January. So. And Trump found out about it that he was stabbed in the back by Keir Starmer and Boris Johnson goes back and forth, too. They'd already done that on purpose before Trump got inaugurated. And then Trump found out about that deal behind the scenes. And then that's why he's been talking about the mineral deal, because he wants to make Zelensky admit on international TV that he had already signed this stuff away to the British. and then you even get into a bigger deal with there. Tom Loango was talking about it. Russia's got commodities. They're internally developing. The United States with Doge can pay down the debt, reciprocal trade bill, rebalance the current account deficits because, yes, people are confused by Trump's policy. He's tackling the twin deficits, the trade deficit and the budget deficits. and then we have enough resources to pay down the 36 trillion so we don't go into a Weimar Republic routine. Okay, the critical idea that Tom Luongo has been talking about recently is that Britain does not have any commodities. They cannot collateralize any of their debt. Well, they collateralized it in Ukraine. And again, that's why they've been pushing and pushing for this war in Ukraine for, you know, way before 2014. This has been going on for a long time. So they've been collateralizing that debt. And this is, it's not one thing. It's. it's been going on, them signing the document on the 16th of January is the latest iteration of that. It's been independent contracts over time, so they renewed it.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:24:07] Wow.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:24:08] Yeah, the city of London is about to go bankrupt, so they've got to collateralize their debt in case there's an economic downturn, which they're already in. So again, every time you look at this thing, every time I get a different piece of information from somebody in a different area of expertise, it just keeps on reaffirming all Putin has to do is nothing. The problem is How do these three and four star generals that go on TV know none of this?
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:24:44] It's amazing.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:24:45] me being called to Panama to give a briefing to the Green Beret Network, which I mean is it's easy to see where it went to because who in Trump's cabinet is a Green Beret? I mean, it really pretty much narrows it down to like one guy. All right. So no, they did not know this. So it comes, it comes down to the fact of you just have to ask the question of how the that people get this job.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:25:14] You could save the United States a lot of money if they just hired you, George.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:25:18] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and they know that they're not doing it on purpose. Yeah. So, you know, that's
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:25:24] All right, so let's get Tyrus's summary of the meeting because then we'll jump into this. This is Tyrus talking on Gutfeld Show last night. A couple weeks. Right.
Speaker 6 [00:25:43] They want the minimal rights and he can't have them with having rights to the minimal rights because he's part of the laundering scheme We got 64 billion dollars missing. What do people do who steal money from other people? They have to replace it with new money and this new money happens to be controlled by one of the trip most transparent presidents of all time President Trump so when he did that to Marco Rubio and JD Vance He hurt the little feelings and they went to the president Trump and they said he wouldn't do the deal and he yelled At us and he called us names president says cool bring his ass to the house
Greg Gutfield [00:26:14] I knew it.
Tyrus - Fox News Contributor [00:26:18] It's what always happened. Yeah. He walked up in there with his chest out and then he started to do the same thing to JD Vance. Yes. And he even made that little threat. And a lot of people keep missing the fact that he said, oh, you're gonna feel, you're not feeling it now. Yeah. You'll feel it later. That was a threat. So that's when President Trump said, all right, enough of this. We ain't feelin' nothin', you have no cards to play. And then Zelensky really got nervous, and he was like, we're not playing cards. And like, President Trump's like, no, you have no cards to play. And he called him out because he wanted the American people to see it all. Because when this all plays out, you can see Zelensky is not in it for the Ukrainian people, he's in it for himself. He has made a lot of money, has missed a lot of elections, and the Democrats have been a willing partner because that $64 billion went somewhere, And now they got to account for it and you can't get our money now without accounting for it when you're when you're laundering and taking money
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:27:12] I think, A, I love Tyrus and he follows me on X. So, you know, it's kind of cool. But Tyrus just absolutely nailed it. And when you talk about in that meeting, as we're here now at the White House, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States had her head down. She knew he was totally off the kilter. Let me show you this one from Tony Seguro on X. Tony Seguiro, the Ukrainian parliament is cutting Zelensky off telling you President Trump, they are ready to cooperate. This was posted four hours ago at the time we were recording this. So, uh, Zelensky went off the rails and I think that you nailed it exactly why. Are you there?
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:28:04] Oh yeah, yeah. Are you going to play the clip?
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:28:07] Oh, no, I don't have the clip. That's just a single screenshot. I don't have the -
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:28:12] Oh, okay. No, I thought you're cleaning something else up. Yes, Zelensky thinks that the city of London and Wall Street are going to bring Trump to heel. That's why he went there and do that because, yes, he's already talked to the deep state people on both sides, which is really big finance. They've already assured him that they're going to cover his six. Zelensky thought he was going there to deal from a position of strength. Yes, Zelensky, that was a threat. And in Russia, he called JD Vance a bitch, a suit guy. Okay, people, the Russian -speaking translators heard that. People didn't catch that because, and they did not explain that. to the audience. But yeah, on Telegram, it's all over the place. The people that speak English and Russian.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:29:20] I saw a clip of Zelensky walking across the street and he goes, what do you think about president Trump? And he said F president Trump.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:29:31] Oh yeah, and Trump knows this, Trump knows it's Alexander Downer and Stefan Helper and all those people, you know, Christopher Steele, the British and my six people. They all meet at the Oxford Grand Strategies classes, those seminars in London and Oxford and Cambridge. Trump knows that those are the people behind it. They're also laundering the money and throw Boris Johnson and Richie Sunak in there. They know that they're trying to collateralize the City of London's debt, Bank of England's debt.
Greg Gutfield [00:30:10] Wow.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:30:10] Okay, there's, there's a whole bunch of different, the financial economists are really, are really into that angle. Right. So he owes us about that. So yes, Zelensky thought that they're going to bring Trump to heel. Well again, Trump already, Trump knows that all he has to do is nothing but let the European banks collapse. Okay, combine that with my 359 page slide set that went to DC at the end of January. Now they know it, plus all the papers that we're posting on your website, he knows now in pedophagging detail that all Putin has to do is nothing. Okay, it doesn't matter. The only people that think that that think that the Russian economy is about to collapse and Ukraine is winning the war is the people that listen to the mainstream media montages. Any people that have any independent expertise in any area know that this is just nonsense. Okay, I need to throw an example here, because I was on Felix Rex show a couple days ago. I did two back videos. somebody wrote an article about how i was nonsense because you know every single sentence that they said was some kind of truism that you know taken by itself can be true like oh we're reporting you know more lng what do you mean we cut off europe from energy Let me do that ever since the Russian natural gas and why is this important? Because people just think, oh, LNG and Russian natural gas pipeline, it's all energy, right? Oh, no, one's 30 % higher cost.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:32:08] No, more than that.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:32:10] Yeah, uh, well, okay.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:32:12] Way, way more.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:32:15] It's a number that increases with the sanctions.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:32:20] Exactly.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:32:21] Yeah, I'm throwing out an old percentage, but the marginal cost increases with each percentages and with that increase at every single stage of production of taking raw materials or agricultural products out of the ground, making a consumer product out of it and distributing it, every single one of those steps, which you're talking about really dozens of steps, all require energy. So if you increase the price of energy at every single one of those processing steps The cumulative effect is a tremendous cost push inflation. All right, another fact. People keep about how the sanctions are backfired. When the Western companies left, wait, let me back up a second. What Putin is angry about is the Western multinational corporations were brought in after the Cold War. They designated these oligarchs in control of all these resources, and they exported the profits to City of London and Wall So now, so much profit. is being taken out of Russia that it can't develop economically or anything. Then they say, oh, under Yeltsin's watch and then under Putin's watch, they're not developing. Well, what they targeted, and we've gone over this before, was Russia's gas prom is a state -run monopoly. All the Russian natural gas pipeline and oil that comes from pipeline, those profits Stay in Russia So after the Western companies pulled out of all the other oil extraction plays in Russia, guess what? That didn't collapse the Russian economy. Now, all of those profits are staying in Russia. So they're not going to City of London. So now they put those sanctions to collapse Russia into a whole bunch of, you know, 50 different oblasts and republics. Okay, I'm exaggerating there, bye. into a few, they wanted to, at least into a dozen different oblasts and republics, and the Central Asian stands to be independent so they can control the oil fields and the pipeline routes. Yes, Fiona Hill wrote pipeline papers for Brookings Institution through 2004. That's why when they play dumb like Kirby, oh no, they've written papers on this before. Thank you for watching. Bye! so you know the different people involved so they know damn well what they're doing they're trying to stop Gazprom and an export -led growth strategy in Russia that's what all of this is about Putin knows it his doctoral thesis is based on mineral extraction for export -led growth strategy for development he knows all that they know that You know, even Blinken's book is on that. So now they've been trying to strangle Russia and every time they strangle Russia, all the sanctions backfire and Russia's energy goes to China. And India. So their products.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:35:40] actually imported from the U .S.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:35:42] Yeah, so their products become cheaper on the global markets and more competitors. And who fails? You know, the UK and Europe. So again, no matter how you look at this, it always comes back to all Putin has to do is nothing. So yes, the people in Trump's administration were wondering why Putin was avoiding a meeting at all cost with Trump's. Well, at the end of January, they found out. And again, all of this stuff. was explained on Energy News Beat since last year. Some of the papers were posted. We posted up the rest of the series. I've been on The Working Brother. It's just a small startup channel that I've done with a guy in Belgrade, Stefan, that we just— Yeah, we were just doing a small startup channel. And yeah, it's high informational, low quality. But my slidesets are there on the screen talking about the history of strategies of containment and the Russian strategic plans. So yeah, all of my slidesets that fall into those strategies of containment or it's all based on maritime strangling, maritime choke points. versus overlaying logistical supply routes. Once you understand that, everything makes sense. So now, Putin has to do all he has got to do is nothing. Trump's team found out that really, well, they found that out. Then they found out, well, if we just concentrate over on the Western hemisphere on the twin trade deficits, well, then Europe collapses. But wait a second, what's wrong with that? They're the people behind the Russian collusion hoax. Why wouldn't they, why would Putin save them, and why would Trump save them, which then brings to the other point, we need to do a whole show on this, it's going to be the big Washington DC think tanks, the neoconservative ones and the neoliberal ones, that are going to do everything in their power to get Trump impeached, before or during and after the midterms.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:37:51] Wow. So our next podcast is coming up is going to be the next series after the why the Kellogg plan was was DOA. You've got a next group of papers coming out. Right. We get these up there and we will have another podcast next week talking about what the next steps coming around and what President Trump and the team can take a look at. This is a two -pronged approach that we need to also look at is the university system with President Trump really looking at taking the universities, the Department of Education, and giving it back to the states, rightfully so, is going to bring up a huge hole in the university systems that I think a contract to your organization would be worth it to try to help get a whole education program put together for what types of materials need to be taught and how to get this thing out there to the professors because when you go to your others all of those you take a look, why are all of the experts in parent, you know. They're Democrats and they're in the system. It's going to have to be a long term plan and you have the knowledge base that is needed for just this particular side of it. You're needed in two different groups right now, George, and I don't want to be this. This is a fun podcast, but your talents are needed in two different groups. A, the geopolitical structures side of Thanks for watching! uh oil and gas companies wanting to do business globally for our government wanting your knowledge on this side of the fence over here but also over on this fence over here with the uh the change coming in education they're gonna need to know what are good policies and what needs to be taught Did I say that or articulate that fair?
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:40:11] Yeah, you did a fan. You did a fantastic job the You fed my narcissistic ego like tremendously
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:40:23] No, it's a fact!
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:40:24] Thank you for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:40:26] I'm just being blatant dude. You're needed by the United States in two different places. You're needed over here and you're needed over here.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:40:38] Yeah, we're working on that. Hopefully, that will happen, because I keep on hearing, well, yeah, they're going to do something later on. There's people that are on YouTube that have big YouTube channels that are like, oh, they talk to people and Trump's inner circle all the time, da -da -da -da -da -da -da -da.
Greg Gutfield [00:40:55] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:40:56] Well, they do, but I'm way out here in Pluto. I'm nowhere even close. Okay, so.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:41:03] Without funding, we can't get your stories out there in order to get us to the next level. So we need that funding in order to help change the education university process. So this does not happen again. We need your information going out there so that we do not get President Trump. we can stop the Mockingbird program right now, because that Mockingbird program is about to kick off if Ukraine goes south, which it's already going south. We're about to have this happen again. Thank you very much. I mean, it is, it is absolutely gonna be horrific. And we've gotta get President Trump's team ahead of this.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:41:58] Right. You got a few papers of mine of the talking points to do shows on. I've been too busy straightening up everything else, coordinating everything else. A couple of points I want to hit before we close out. Yes. Kellogg, he's not the... We have one of the... I think this is the fourth or fifth paper that talks about Kellogg's plan, he's confused. The mission is not just to end the Ukraine war. The overall mission is to save Western culture. That's the mission.
Greg Gutfield [00:42:39] OK.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:42:39] Okay, he's to tunnel vision, but he's not the only, he's not the only TV general that doesn't really understand what the whole deal is. So, there's that aspect of it. And yes, everything does need to get overhauled. And, oh, the other part I wanted to hit, because you're talking about, okay, you have the 7P plan to destroy the university system. There's a paper in there on the 7P plan that talks about why Yuri, when Yuri Vesminov was talking in the mid to late 1980s about the demoralization process of the United States. People have been sending that video around in the last several years saying, oh wow, this is what the Russians are up to. Oh, we need to stop it, this is scary. Oh no, if you read Alan Bloom's closing of the American mind where they removed, where the left, which is the Frankfurt School, went into the university system. of the soft philosophical and social sciences that had not yet adapted objective measures and standards. He says they went in there and destroyed the classical educational system. Okay, that was his book was published in 1988. Tubian Cosmitis wrote psychological foundations of culture and talked about how the logically incoherent standard social scientific model Because it's overly autarkic, you know, each discipline is in its own bubble and silo, has to be replaced by an integrated causal model because they abandoned the scientific project. Now, and he attributes it to the 1960s liberals taking over the department chairs. These articles are critical because they're time and date stamped. By the time Yuri Vesminov was talking in the mid to late 1980s, The Frankfurt School already took over the university system, it was fait accompli. So to get the what he calls an integrated causal model, what John Nobel laureate John Hirsani called it an integrated theory, he lines up the disciplines and says these things need to be integrated. He doesn't know a framework of how to do that. He's writing during the 1960s. Well, my model, it's actually very easy. All the frameworks to do that We are in a construct, well. Aristotle's Six Forms of Government is in a value -neutral, proper, and perverted form format. Well, Eric Fromes and all the other psychological personality theories have a core peripheral format, which is the same thing, it's just a different name. It's value -neutral. People go through these behaviors and pursue resources and maids, but some are functional and some are dysfunctional. Some are behaviorally destructive, some are constructive. Well, guess what? that merges right in with Aristotle's Six Forms of Government, it's the same methodology. So the methodologies exist and the compatible frameworks exist. And why do I bring that up? Because Gentes, Herbert Gentes, who died a couple years ago, was talking about, oh, neither the methodologies exist or the compatible frameworks exist. I emailed him back. I was in Afghanistan. Oh no, they've existed for a long time. See, I just don't have the funding to put this into play. So you have all these conservative groups out there that have the connections, have the money. Oh, I got the answers. We're posting this stuff up on Energy Newsbeat and the more we post, your cyber attacks increase.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:46:45] Uh, it is now unbelievable who is attacking me. In fact, I even talked to the security company on my server and, uh, there it's now a case study of, uh, how well, uh, and who is attacking us.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:47:01] Oh, yeah, it's coming from inside the United States. It's the same people that are after, well, everybody else I hang out with. I know that's going to be really shocking.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:47:12] So, so when people, so when you show up with a guest, people don't like you, are the same people trying to take the country down, so I just thought I'd point that out.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:47:23] Well, they're the same people that, well, okay, I mean, why was I kind of canceled out of academia in the first place? Okay, for one thing, I'm kind of a drop -in, drop -out student. You know, when I was younger, I saved up money, went to college, and would have to drop out, save up more money, and go back, you know, all of that nonsense. And millions of people go through that, obviously. You know, all of it. the uh I did graduate it took forever but I graduated with no debt that's why I got no sympathy for the people that are seventy thousand dollars in debt or whatever for you know feminist studies degrees and now they want all of that paid I mean you know that's why I got no sympathy for that I did the same thing for graduate school and then yeah I didn't make it through um you know to a PhD program because yeah you know drop in and drop about students, don't you? tend to not go that far. But on the other hand, I wasn't one of those people that was scholars. So yeah, there's a reason why they didn't scholarship me. But then I went overseas to work and I learned all this other stuff that there's no way you would have learned in a classroom. And then you actually get to see how things work in the real world, how these USAID and NED funded... groups, you know, what they do overseas, and then the people that work in them don't really know what they're doing.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:48:51] It's just disgusting. It is absolutely, and we are, this is, we are recording this on March 4th and tonight President Trump will be addressing the country. I can't wait to see what he says. This will be put out on March 5th and I may have a note or two in there on how it may apply to this or a cut or two in the article as this goes out to all of our channels. So we will be getting more and more stories up there. And my hat's off to Ann Vanderstel and General Flynn. I just was reading some of their stories this morning. And General Flynn absolutely hit it out of the park the other day when he was talking about that. Let me share this one story real quick. He was when he was talking about General Flynn, President Trump, can President Trump order or beat Ukraine to accept the peace deal? And I got to hand it to him. I absolutely love, thank the world of General Flynn. Zelensky should be immediately escorted out of the White House and immediately exported back to Ukraine. what a disrespectful piece of blank this person is. How dare he speak to the President of the United States. General Flynn is absolutely my hero. He and John. So anyway, I wanted to just end on a very positive note there, George. We will record again next week, but we've got a lot of stories to do between now and then.
George McMillan ENB Contributor [00:50:42] Yeah, if we can record earlier more than that, let me know. But yeah, I need to post these papers up. If people want an indication of where Trump's foreign policy is going to go to, yeah, go to Energy News Beat because his options are way more limited. And what I just said in those, I'm gonna post up another five um series of catalog plan is DOA series. They need to be finalized. It's going to take a week because I got to do the seven B plan stuff. But the options are very limited. Trump needs to get the populist parties elected and he has to, you know, in Europe, I mean, and not get impeached, because otherwise we're going to go into Weimar Republic if, if, if, if... If the DC think tanks win, we all lose, we all lose. We'll all be back.
Stu Turley, Sandstone CEO [00:51:47] Well, let's let's let's end on a positive note. We got a lot of work to do, George. Hey, we'll see you soon. Talk to you soon.
That was an honest and long overdue conversation. Hard to hear in many ways, but certainly not able to find much pushback from me. Thanks for taking the time to produce and share it. Ugh….